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DOS Bulletin - 2014-1
NewViews and the End of Microsoft Support for Windows XP

Dear NewViews User:

This bulletin deals with the end of Microsoft support for Windows XP and implications for NV1 (NewViews for DOS) users.

Please note that a special NV1 to NV2 upgrade package is now available to NV1 users until June 30, 2014. Details are provided at the end of this bulletin.

Microsoft Support for Windows XP ends on April 8, 2014

Microsoft support for Windows XP operating system (OS) and Office 2003 ends April 8, 2014. As of March 2014, XP still has 18% market share, so you are not alone. But after April 8, there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid Microsoft support options, or online technical content updates.

There are three options to deal with the end of XP:

  1. Just keep running XP as is.
    Nothing should stop working, and if your internet activity is safe, you should be fine for a few more years.

  2. Upgrade your operating system from XP to Windows 7 or 8.1 32-bit version.
    If your computer has plenty of free space, a fast processor and more than 1GB of memory you can upgrade your OS. There is no direct path provided by Microsoft from XP to Windows 7 or 8.1 so the upgrade will require patience and know-how to transfer your current programs and data successfully.

  3. Get a new computer with a 32-bit version of Windows 7 or 8.1.
    If your computer is more than 5 years old, you should opt for a new one with a 32-bit version of Windows 7 or 8.1 and a parallel port (which generally is a special order). Then simply copy your c:\nv folder from the old computer to the new one and you can continue to run NV1.

Windows Virtual PC mode & Windows XP Mode (XPM)

If you are running Windows 7 or 8 (64-bit) and are using Windows Virtual PC or XPM to run NV1, you also face the end of support as of April 8. As stated in prior bulletins and on our website, we have always recommended Windows 32-bit for NV1. Using Virtual PC to run NV1 within a 64-bit environment is only a temporary solution to move NV1 data to a new computer, then upgrade to NV2. Virtual solutions are not recommended as permanent replacements for a DOS environment. Ultimately, you have the same three options described above to deal with the end of XP.

The End of XP is a Great Opportunity to Upgrade to NV2!

NV2, the Windows version of NewViews, has been on the market since May 2005 and has evolved considerably in the last 10 years. It provides all the NV1 features you appreciate, and when you upgrade to NV2:

  • All your NV1 accounting data is imported.
  • All your account names, descriptions, transactions and reports are maintained.
  • You can still create and use any number of sets of books.
  • There is still no need to close periods or year ends.
  • You can still easily edit transactions at any time.

NV2 also offers you many new features that will make you wonder why you waited so long to upgrade!

  • Store books locally or on a self-hosted cloud.
  • Multi-user functionality, enabling more than one person to be working in the books at the same time.
  • Create bookmarks to go directly to areas you work in most often.
  • Print in color to any printer - local, network, wireless, etc.
  • Print your logo on invoices, statements, etc.
  • EFT payment to vendors.
  • Customizable reports with any number of columns.
  • View reports for any day, week, month, quarter or year.
  • Simplified, more accurate Payroll, including direct deposit.
  • Customizable security that can be used to restrict access and set edit dates for individual users.
  • Works on all versions of Windows.

Upgrade Offers for NV1 Users

Until June 30, 2014, NV1 users who upgrade to NewViews 2.27.1 (the current Windows version of NewViews) will receive 2 FREE hours of technical support valued at $195, to help them with the transition. Users can also request a FREE estimate on having their books professionally converted by Q.W. Page.

  • 1 upgrade license from NV 1.41 to NV 2.27.1 (the current version of NewViews).
  • 2 hours of free technical support.
  • free estimate on conversion.
At $495, this represents a 28% savings!

For even better value, users can take advantage of the "Goodbye XP, Hello NV2!" complete upgrade solution, which includes data conversion, remote installation, setup and orientation. Details are as follows:
  • 1 upgrade license from NV 1.41 to NV 2.27.1 (the current version of NewViews).
    Regular price $495
  • Professional book conversion performed by Q.W. Page.
    Average price $460
  • Exclusive Support Plan that includes remote installation, setup and orientation (up to 2 hours).
    Regular price $195
Special Upgrade Pricing:
$795 for NV1 books up to 100 MB
$945 for NV1 books 100-200 MB
A surcharge will apply to books greater than 200 MB in size, which can be submitted to Q.W. Page for a free estimate.

Please note that if the books have any of the following conditions a surcharge may also apply:
books out of balance, integrity issues, books have been purged, and/or books that contain timecard payroll.

For added convenience, NV1 users can also choose to take advantage of this limited time offer before June 30, but schedule their upgrade, conversion, installation, setup and orientation any time before December 31, 2014.

For more information or to order your "Goodbye XP, Hello NV2!" upgrade, please call us at 1-800-267-7243.

Q.W Page Associates Inc.
73 Industrial Parkway N, Unit 2
Aurora, Ontario, L4G4C4
Tel: 905-946-9460
Fax: 905-713-1407