NV2 Backup File Extensions

NewViews backup files created by NewViews are identical to the main file except for the file's name and extension. Typical computer files have a name and an extension. The file extension is typically used to identify what the file contains. An extension of .txt identifies a text file; a .nv2 extension is a NewViews Accounting file.

NewViews backup files can have various file extensions depending how the backup file was created.

NewViews Backup file extensions
full backup file name
backup file extension
File>Backup Command
Unique file name is created each time the command is used. Previous backups not overwritten.
File>Download Command
Unique file name is created each time the command is used. Previous downloads not overwritten.
Automatic Logout Backup
Automatically created during user logout. One logout file per database, overwritten each time a new logout backup is created
Automatic Overnight Backup
Automatically created at 3:00am if the database is open. One overnight backup per database, overwritten each time a new overnight backup is created.
Automatic Version Change Backup
Automatically created when a database is updated to a new version (i.e. 2.33 to 2.34). Ensures a copy of the old version is retained. One copy is created per version.

To open a backup file, you must first change the file extension back to .nv2

If a file with the same name already exists, Windows Explorer will display an error such as "Cannot rename acme: A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name." If this happens also change the name of the file, e.g. acme_recovered.nv2

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