Function Keys

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A context sensitive index into the manual, showing the exact page or section relevant to your current situation.
Go To Any Account
Use <F2> anywhere. A table of all accounts pops up. Select one to position immediately on any account. The table may change because the account you picked may be on a different table.
Go To Account
Use Ctrl+F2 when positioned in any column which displays information from an account. For example, to go to the cross account of a ledger item, or to go to the account totalled to, etc. The idea is to save you the time of pressing F2 and then typing the name of the account. You are positioned in a column that is pointing to the account.
Pick Field Value
Pick a value for the current field. For example, use this field to select an account when on a transaction. When on a date field it pops up a calendar. Many other fields pop up a list of allowed values.

NOTE: On a bank account, <F3> will fill in the Reconcile field value with an incremental value.
Also on the transaction reference field, <F3> is used explicitly take the next transaction number.
Moves to an outer window. The outer window will be above or to the left of the current window, depending on the window arrangement. This is the opposite of <F6>. This is very similar to the NV1 Document>Contract command.
Save Row
Saves the current table row. Same as the Edit>Save command. The row is also automatically saved when you move off it so you typically use <F5> only when you want to save the current row without moving off of it. In DOS NewViews this was the Edit>Record command.
Forces the current table to reload its data or refresh the formula columns from disk.
Moves to an inner window to display more detailed information about the current item. The inner window will be below or to the right of the current window. This is the opposite of <F4>. This is very similar to the NV1 Document>Expand command.
Maximize Window
Maximizes the current window. Use this key when you want to concentrate on the information in a particular window. This key will maximize the size of the window to take up the entire screen. Use <F8> to restore the windows when you are finished. You can also maximize a window by clicking on the maximize button in the upper right corner or by double-clicking on the title bar, but doing this has a slightly different effect. The maximize button maximizes the current window only to the size of its outer window, not the whole screen.
Restore All Windows
Restores all windows to a restored state. If you have been maximizing windows and have become confused, this key is your friend.
Fit Column Widths
Sets the width of all columns to the size needed to display data currently on the screen. The command applies only to the active table and may need to be repeated as you scroll up and down.
Journal/Ledger Switch
Switches from a transaction on a journal to a posting on an account, or vice versa. If you are on a transaction (pink table) you move to a posting on an account (green table) that corresponds to the transaction. Pressing this key when on the posting, takes you back to the transaction. Note that a transaction can post to several accounts so the account you switch to from a transaction will depend on the current field. For example, if you are on the debit account field when you press <F9>, you move to the debit account, but if you are on the credit account then you move to the credit account.
Go to the Cross Account
Switches from an account ledger to the cross account's ledger.
Activate Microsoft Menu
This key has been appropriated by Microsoft to activate the Microsoft menu. The Microsoft menu is optional in NewViews so this key has no effect unless the Microsoft menu has been turned on. If the Menu Bar is on the <F10> key will activate the menu bar for menu selection utilizing the keyboard. You can turn it on with the View> Menu Bar>Display command and turn it off with View>Menu Bar>Hide.
Define Column
This is used to setup/modify values for the current column. You can modify the column title, justification, formats, beginning/end dates, etc. Values available for modification depend on the specific table you are on as options are context sensitive.
Define Columns
This is used to setup/modify values for the current table. Same as the Window>Define Columns command. You can modify the column title, justification, formats, beginning/end dates, etc. Values available for modification depend on the specific table you are on as options are context sensitive.
Sets the column default.
This performs the same function as the Edit>Default Value>Set command. It sets the column default to the value of the current cell. When a new row is added to the table its value in the current column will be set automatically to the default value.
Gets the column default.
This performs the same function as the Edit>Default Value>Get command. It retrieves the current column default and sets the current cell to that default value.
Clears all defaults.
This performs the same function as the Edit>Default Value>Clear All command. It clears all column defaults for the current table.

Alt Key commands

No longer works. This key was removed in version 2.07 due to interference with the Windows menu. Used to append a new table row. Use <Alt+E+A> instead. This is accelerator for the Edit>Append command.
No longer works. This key was removed in version 2.07 due to interference with the Windows menu. Used to insert a new table row. Use <Alt+E+I> instead. This is accelerator for the Edit>Insert command. You can also use the <Ins> key.
Exit NewViews
Shuts down NV2. If you are shutting down a workstation, you are automatically logged out of every open database before the shutdown. If you are shutting down a server, each workstation connection is terminated. The workstations users are automatically logged out of any open databases on the server and each workstation is informed of the termination.

Command Bar - Ctrl Key Commands

The Ctrl+Key interface is an alternate interface for cursor movement and for issuing many NV2 commands.

Copy selected item, same as the Microsoft Windows general keyboard shortcut.
Paste copied item, same as the Microsoft Windows general keyboard shortcut.
Cut selected item, same as the Microsoft Windows general keyboard shortcut.
Insert a row.
Same as Edit>Insert, <Alt+E+I> or <Insert>.
Save Row
Same as Edit>Save or <F5>.
Abort Row
Resets the row to values it had the last time it was saved. Same as Edit>Quit.
Delete Row
Same as Edit>Delete.
Delete Column
Deleting a column from a table does not alter the data in the books in any way; it only removes the column from the screen.
Set field default.
Same as Edit>Default Value>Set. Set the field default to the current value of the field.
Retrieve field default.
Same as Edit>Default Value>Get. Gets the field value from the current default value.
Clear All Default Values for Row
Same as Edit>Default Value>Clear All. Clears all default values for the current row.
Go To Block Start
Same as Edit>Go to>Block Start.
Go To Block End
Same as Edit>Go to>Block End.
Find Column Value
Same as Go to>Find Column Value.
Block Start
Same as Block>Start. Marks the start of a block of table rows.
Block End
Same as Block>End. Marks the end of a block of table rows.
Block Hide
Same as Block>Hide. Hides the currently marked block if not hidden. If the block is hidden, displays it.

Arrow Keypad versus the Ctrl Key Interface

To control the cursor and window either the arrow keypad or the Ctrl key interface, or any combination of these, should be used. The arrow keypad may be handy for beginners but the Ctrl key has several important advantages. The Ctrl key is especially easy to use because of the placement of cursor and window keys in a well-known "diamond" configuration.

Key Cursor Movement

Move left a column.
Move right a column.
Move up a row.
Move down a row.
Move to leftmost column.
Move to rightmost column.
Move to top of window.
Move to bottom of window.

Key Window Movement

Scrolls view left to see additional columns.
Scrolls view right to see additional columns.
Moves backward one row at a time.
Moves forward one row at a time.
Ctrl+R (or Page Up)
Moves backward page by page.
Ctrl+C (or Page Down)
Moves forward page by page.
Move to first line of a table.
Move to last line of a table.

Special Keys

A number of keys on a standard keyboard serve special purposes in NewViews.

Moves the cursor to the next field, saving the current field if it has been edited. This key is also used to record data entered in prompts. If you are in the last field of a line and press <Enter> a new line will be added to the table, if permitted.
Restores a field to its original value when editing. When Esc is selected before editing, the contents of the field are not cleared. This key is also used to escape from select boxes and to acknowledge errors.
Used when editing fields. In text fields, it deletes the character to the left of the cursor. In numeric fields, it deletes the rightmost digit.
Deletes the contents of a field if it is not currently being edited. Otherwise, it deletes the character/digit to the right of the cursor.
Deletes the contents of a the Next Ref # field. Allows the value set at the branch level to be displayed.
If TAB is selected before editing, it will move the cursor to the next field. When used for editing fields, TAB moves the cursor to the right one character or digit.
Switches character case (upper/lower), depending on the CAPLOCK setting. This key also changes the function of keys on the arrow keypad, depending on the NUMLOCK setting.
Locks the character keys in upper or lower case.
Switches the function of the keypad from cursor movement to numeric entry and vice versa.
Used in combination with command letters to issue commands.
Used to issue commands (Ctrl key commands).
Inserts a new line. NOTE: The positioning of the new line is only an issue if the table is sorted by line (interactive) order. If the table is sorted by, for example, description or name order, the Insert command will automatically place the new line at the end of the table. Filling in the description or name and recording the line will cause it to move to its proper sort position. In the line order the item will be appended (it can easily be moved).
Page Up
Allows you to scroll Up through the document table, from the cursor location, one screenful at a time.
Page Down
Allows you to scroll Down through the document table, from the cursor location, one screenful at a time.
End Page Up
Takes you to the first row within the current table.
End Page Down
Takes you to the last row within the current table.
End Arrow Left
Takes you to the first column within the current table.
End Arrow Right
Takes you to the last column within the current table.
End Arrow Up
Takes you to the first row within the current screen.
End Arrow Down
Takes you to the last row within the current screen.

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