The Transaction Details table views show details for the selected transaction. There are several transaction detail views.
General journal transactions have three views available Quantities Only, Amounts Only and Quantities & Amounts Views.
Purchase and Sales journal transactions have six views available Amounts Only, Quantities & Amounts, Units of Measure, Units of Measure & Inventory, Order/Ship/Backorder Quantities, and All Columns. To move a column, activate any field in the column to be moved and press <Ctrl+Right Arrow> to move the column to the right, or <Ctrl+Left Arrow> to move the column to the left.
Activate any field in the transaction detail table.
Issue the command View depending on the journal different view options will be presented.
The Quantities Only view contains only the quantities for all transactions attached to the account whether they are open, closed, debit or credit. The quantities only view is mainly used where amounts are not as important such as inventory.
The Amounts Only view contains amounts (no quantities) for all transactions attached to the account whether they are open, closed, debit or credit. The amounts only view is mainly used for accounts where there would be no quantities or you do not want to see quantities such as bank accounts.
The Quantities and Amounts view contains both quantities and amounts for all transactions attached to the account whether they are open, closed, debit or credit. The quantities and amounts view is mainly used for accounts where both quantities and amounts are needed such as sales accounts.
The Amounts Only view contains amounts (no quantities) for all transactions attached to the account whether they are open, closed, debit or credit. The amounts only view is mainly used by organizations for basic purchase and sales transactions.
The Quantities and Amounts view contains both quantities and amounts for all transactions attached to the account whether they are open, closed, debit or credit. The quantities and amounts only view is mainly used by companies that do not require Backorder or Units of Measure details.
The Units of Measure view contains the purchase/sale unit quantity, purchase/sale unit name, purchase/sale unit price, extended amount and taxes for all transactions.
If you are not familiar with Units of Measure, please read Units of Measure for further information.
The Units of Measure & Inventory view contains the purchase/sale unit quantity, purchase/sale unit name, purchase/sale unit price, Inventory Conversion Rate, Inventory Unit Name, Inventory Quantity, Unit Cost, extended amount and taxes for all transactions.
If you are not familiar with Units of Measure, please read Units of Measure for further information.
The Order/Ship/Backorder Quantities view contains the Original Order Quantity, Total Shipped Quantity, Backorder Quantity, Quantity, Unit Cost, extended amount and taxes for all transactions.
If you are not familiar with Backorders, please read Backorders/Partial Receipts for further information.
The All Columns view contains all possible columns. You may create additional custom views by Managing Column Layouts.