Partitions and Allocations - Tags

To setup and maintain NewViews properly, a basic understanding of tags for partitions is required. Three preset partition tags are provided to get you started: financial, order and budget. Allocation tags are optional, and when used, function in tandem with partition tags.

In the Partitions and Allocations - Tags section, we will examine the following topics:

Accounting databases typically have lots of different types of transactions (e.g. order and invoice). The accounts "in play" are the same (i.e. same customer, same sales and tax accounts, etc.) and orders and invoices are nearly identical, but they need to be segregated by type. We call each type of transaction a Partition, and each transaction is identified by a Partition Tag.

Also, many business and non-profit organizations want to track transactions in more detail. For example, you have one telephone expense account, but you want to allocate the phone bill to many different projects. You can split any transaction detail item into any number of pieces to allocate portions of the total amount to each project. We call this technique Allocations, and each portion of the allocation is identified by an Allocation Tag.

With allocations there are some cases where separate phone expense accounts for each project is a better solution. But this is normally not true, and creating or copying a lot of accounts is tedious and error prone. The objective is to build one set of accounts, and use it for many similar/identical projects.

So, there are two recurring themes in accounting that are solved by tags:

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