NewViews may create a database backup automatically when you close it (i.e. log out). We call this a logout backup. When the database is local, whether to create a logout backup is determined when you log out. When the database is remote, whether to create a logout backup is determined when the last user logs out. The main purpose of the logout backup is to ensure that a backup is created at least once per week (seven days is the default). NewViews keeps track of backups created using the File>Backup command, and those created as overnight backups and previous logout backups, or using the File>Download command. Version change backups are not used in this determination. If no backup has been created in the last seven days, a logout backup is created.
A logout backup has the same file name and folder location as the database being backed up, but has the file extension *.nv2_backup_logout. It is important to note that there is at most only one logout backup per database and that each logout backup replaces the previous logout backup. However a logout backup file is only replaced if the backup completely succeeds.
Logout backups for cloud databases are created in the cloud and you will not have access to the backup unless you control the cloud computer. In this case you can and should make additional backups using the database download command.
The description above indicated that NewViews checks whether a backup has been made within the past seven days. This can be overridden by setting the user option field Always Backup at Logout. This user option forces the creation of a logout backup whenever the user logs out of the accounting database. Note that normally, i.e. when this option is not set, a logout backup is created only when the last user logs out of the database, and only if the previous backup operation occurred more than seven days ago.
You can run NewViews with a command line option -logout_backup_days. If the number of days specified is less than or equal to zero, then logout backups are not created unless the user option Always Backup at Logout described above is set. When the number of days specified is a positive number the seven-day default is replaced by the number of days specified. In the case of the cloud, the option could be specified on both server and workstation computers, in which case the number specified on the server overrides to workstation. Note that the smaller the number, the better, and the original default was one day, but was changed due to user feedback.