Mail Merge

Mail merge is the ability to create a form letter, print labels or other such documents and substitute portions of the document (e.g. the recipient’s name and address) with information from another source (e.g. a list of customers).

In order to create a Mail Merge you need two documents; a form letter and a data file. The form letter contains the field names that will be completed with data from the data file as well as the text of the letter. The data file contains the valid field names as well as the data. The list of valid field names depends on where you are in Newviews.

The process of creating a Mail Merge is as follows:

  1. In NewViews, mark a block of items (Accounts, Employees, Transactions, etc.) that contain data that you want to use in your Mail Merge.
  2. Run Mail Merge on the block, leaving the first field in the prompt box blank. This will create three files, a data source file required by MS Word, and two readable documentation files. See Mail Merge Files.
  3. Startup MS Word and create a new mail merge document or open an existing document.
  4. Set MS Word's mail merge data source file to the data file created above.
  5. Create your form letter adding the mail merge fields where appropriate. Save the file.
  6. Back in NewViews, run the Mail Merge tool again but this time fill in the first field in the prompt box with the name of the Word document created above.
  7. View the result.

The links below will take you through this process step by step.

To perform a mail-merge, optionally select table items with a block (or selection) and execute a Tools>Mail Merge command. Mail Merge works on either the entire table, or a block of items, or the active item.

Mail Merge Settings Window

Mail Merge Settings
Mail Merge Settings
Edit Assist
Main Document
Should be blank when run for the first time, or may be a *
Data File
Fill in the Data File with the name of a text file. NewViews will create this file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
display - exports to Excel and opens Excel for a preview.
email - creates an email file for attachment.
file - sends output to the file specified in Filename.
printer - sends output to the printer identified by Printer.
Output File
If destination is set to file or email then you must specify the Output File Important see note on Output File Names options.
If Destination is printer then output is sent to the printer specified here. If this field is empty then output will be sent to the Windows default printer. Press <F3> to select from a list of available printers. NOTE: To clear the Printer field Press <F3> to select from the list of printers, and click on <Cancel>
Extra Address Name
Since accounts can have multiple addresses, this provides for a -glob pattern. Important see note on Extra Address Name below.
Custom Script
Custom scripts can be created for particular needs. Contact Q.W. Page for more information.
Email Status
Controls output based on the Email Status of accounts/employees (i.e. is an email addresses specified for the item).
Include every item, regardless of the value of the email address for the account/employee.
Include only items that have no email address.
Include only items that have an email address.
Email Setup
Press <F3> and a selection window pops up a listing of all Email SMTP server setups. The Tools>Email Setup command provides the settings table to enter your SMTP server settings.
Email From
Text that will appear as the Sender of the emails.
Email Reply To
The account that will receive reply emails.
Email Bcc (Archive)
Optional list of Blind carbon copy (Bcc) recipients. These are additional email recipients similar to carbon copy (cc), but the names do not appear in the recipient's message.
Email Subject Line
Text that will appear in the subject field of the email.
Email Message
Text that will appear in the body of the email.
Email Log File
File that contains email communication success/failure information.

Extra Address Name

Since accounts can have Extra Addresses, this provides for a -glob pattern.

e.g. B_* will source the address from the billing address S_* will source the address from the Shipping address S_?ON will source the address from the Shipping address, but only for ON....

Each address in the extra addresses list has a Name. The naming of extra addresses can be very important. The above only works when all billing address Names start with the letter S_.

The address name field allows you to use one or more of an account's extra addresses as the billing used during the merge.

For example, suppose you have setup extra addresses for all of your customers using a naming convention whereby you have entered the province followed by the city as the "Name" of each customer's extra addresses.

Using this example, if you have the "Extra Address Name" field filled in with "ONTARIO_TORONTO" then NewViews Mail Merge will use the corresponding extra address if it exists. Otherwise, NewViews Mail Merge will use the default billing address. The "Extra Address Name" field can do pattern matching so using the example above and entering "ON*" into the "Extra Address Name" field will cause NewViews Mail Merge to look for an extra address that starts with the letters "ON".

One data record will be created for each customer's extra addresses that match the pattern.

Sample Mail Merge Custom Script

NewViews mail merge is an exceptionally powerful tool. In addition to selecting blocks of data to act as your data source, scripts can be used to filter or manipulate the data in various ways. For example, using a script you could create a form letter for customers who bought a particular product or live in a particular geographical location. The NewViews Upgrades Plan renewal letter sent to NewViews users is a good example of the power of scripts used in conjunction with mail merge.

A sample script is included with NewViews and is located in the following directory c:/nv/nv2.exe/object/newviews/account. For more information on how to use Mail Merge with scripts see Mail Merge Custom Scripts

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