
Each journal specifies the partitions that it uses. When any transaction in a journal posts to an account, an identical posting is added for each partition.

Partitions therefore effectively partition the transactions of a set of books into disjoint sets. For example, financial information is accessed using the financial partition, but a completely equivalent and separate set of information, using the same reports and accounts, can be created by adding a new partition.

Budgeting is a good example of the use of a partition. By using a budget partition, you can keep budget information separate from financial information, while at the same time, the budgets can use the same reports and accounts as the financials. The budgets and financials do not interfere with each other in any way. In the same way, you can have any number of separate and independent budgets by adding new partitions and configuring journals to use them.

Another example is the separation of order information using an order partition. Order information is again separate from financial or budget information, but shares the same reports and accounts.

When you select a partition for a report column, the column displays information for that partition.

Partitions Installed by NewViews

When you create a new set of books, NewViews installs a basic set of journals configured for three partitions as shown below. They provide a starting point for understanding the purpose of partitions and for appreciating their simplicity, flexibility, and usefulness.

The three partitions above provide a wide range of accounting functionality that may be sufficient to address your accounting requirements without the need for additional partitions.

Partition Setup

You may want to add new partitions for a number of reasons. Here we show you how you add and use a new partition. Suppose a single budget is not sufficient for your purposes and you would like to be able to work with an entirely separate budget for your office Manager. We will add a new partition called budget_manager and a new journal that uses it.

To add the new partition do the following

  1. Click on the Journal folder in the main explorer tree.
  2. Switch to the right pane to the Journal + Settings view.
  3. Insert a new row.
  4. Enter the name, description and partition tag value.

Above is shown the new row Line 10 with name BUDGET_M description Budget Manager and the new partition budget_manager

Note: in NewViews all names are displayed in UPPER CASE, tags are displayed in lower case.

How a Journal Uses Tags

When you add a transaction in a journal, the transaction posts to a number of accounts. An index record for the posting is added to each account for each of the journal's tags.

Many, if not most, journals have only one tag.

Changing the Tags of a Journal that has Transactions

Whenever you add, rename or delete tags, all transactions in the journal will be reprocessed. If there are large number of transactions then this processing may take a while.

Note: a journal with transactions must have at least one tag.

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