
Allocations are a general purpose mechanism that let you allocate individual transaction details (line items) for a wide variety of purposes. In this documentation we demonstrate allocating transactions to projects.

To add a new project:

That's it. Transaction detail items can be allocated to the project by tagging them with the project name.

Note: You don't need to add any new reports or accounts in order to use allocations. You use existing reports and accounts and simply select the allocation(s) you want reported when you configure columns. So, for example, you only need one sales account for each product, and one expense account for each expense category.

What If You Don't Need Allocations

When you create a new set of books there are no allocation tags. If you don't need to allocate to projects, funds, activities, etc., then simply don't add any allocation tags.

The rest of this section on allocations assumes that you will need to allocate transactions. If you don't need them then you can skip the rest of this section. However, there is one thing you should still know. Although you may have no need for allocations now, you may need them in the future if the size and scope of your organization changes. NewViews anticipates this by letting you get started now, without allocations, and then add the allocation tags later if the need arises.

Setting up Allocation Tags on Journals

The only thing you have to do in order to use allocations is to add allocation tags to the set of books, giving them appropriate values. For example, if you intend to manage three projects, you might add three allocation tags, named p1, p2, and p3, or any other suitable values that are easily identified when adding transactions and configuring report columns. See Tag Name Protocols for more.

To add a new allocation tag, do the following:

  1. Activate the Journal folder in the main explorer.
  2. Switch the right pane to the Journal + / Settings view.
  3. Select the Journal to add the allocation tag to.
  4. Press <F6> to go to the Journal details (bottom pane).
  5. Switch to the Allocation Tags view.

  6. Add an item to the Allocation Tags table for each allocation.

The names of the tags you add will appear in the journal table's list of active or inactive tags.

Allocation Tag Copy and Paste

Since allocation tags are commonly used by many journals, it's convenient to enter a set of tags once for one journal and then copy some or all of them to the remaining journals. In the example below, we added tags to a Purchase Order journal and we want to copy them to the Purchase Invoice journal.

Selecting Tags to Copy

Shown below is a purchase order journal with three tags for three projects, and we're about to execute a Block>All command.

Copy Tags

Shown below is the result of a Block>All command, and we're ready to execute a Block>Copy command to copy the block of tags.

Tags Copied to the Clipboard

Shown below is the result of a Block>Copy command. You are notified that copies of the tags selected are in the clipboard, ready to paste.

Activate Designation Journal

Shown below is the result of activating the destination Purchase Invoice journal, and we're ready to Block>Paste the tags.

Paste the Tags

Shown below is the result of a Block>Paste command. You are asked to confirm the operation.

The Final Result

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