Printing Reports

Printing a Presentation Quality Report

Printing a presentation quality report is a four step process.

  1. Navigate to the report's table of accounts.

  2. Select the "Presentation Quality Report Setup" view from the Accounts window tab.

  3. Activate the table of accounts and configure the columns.

    Set the date ranges and the titles of the amount columns. This may be done by pressing <F11>. When the column configure window appears, select the corresponding row to edit and set the Title and date range.

    See Introduction to Reports for details on how to set dates.

  4. Issue the Print>Presentation Quality command.

Shown below is the option prompt that appears, followed by a description of each option.

Print Settings
1, 2, 3
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Defines up to three titles to be printed at the top of the report.
The title lines (if entered) are printed at the top of the table, with Title 1 at the top, followed by Title 2, and finally Title 3. In general, Title 1 is printed using a larger font than Title 2, and Title 2 uses a larger font than Title 3. (The fonts can be changed by modifying the fonts set in the style sheet.) You can enter title text in any combination of the three Title lines. NOTE: Column title values can be substituted into page titles by using the special character pattern %_qwc1_title_% for the title of column 1, %_qwc2_title_% for the title of column 2, and so on.
Print Column Titles
Specifies whether to print the table's column titles.
Print Zero-Balance Accounts
Used to control the printing of accounts. If all amount columns for an account are zero and this option is set to no, then the row is skipped. However, rows that are "singlets" (i.e. appear alone, and not part of a group) are always included, even when all the numbers are zero. This is to ensure totals, proofs, and rows that are important enough to single out in the report structure appear on the final output.
The output file name. The file must be of type .html
This file is an intermediate step in the process and can be considered temporary. If you have not created a custom template, you can type any file name with the extension .html (e.g. c:/temp.html). If you have created a custom template, press <F3> to choose the template. See Custom HTML Reports for more on creating custom templates.
Template Style Sheet
Enter the name of the HTML template to be used to control the style sheet settings (press <F3> to choose the template style sheet).
The style sheet file controls font size, line height, bolding, column spacing, etc.
This field is left blank if you are using a custom template.
Sample standard GAAP compliant format style sheets are installed in c:/nv/print_templates/html assuming c:/nv is the NewViews installation folder.
Three style sheets are provided, as follows:
report_style_sheet.html - two amount columns
report_style_sheet_3_amounts.html - three amount columns
report_style_sheet_4_amounts.html - four amount columns
The style sheet file used for most sample reports found in this documentation is report_style_sheet.html
Print Columns
3 or other
The default value is 3, the account description plus 2 amount columns, but additional columns may be specified and printed.
Sort By Column Number
2 or other
The default value is 2, which is the current period amount column in most formal reports. It must be less than or equal to the number of columns to be printed.
Sort Order
The default value is descending. Press <F3> to select descending or ascending.
Currency Symbol Characters
$ £ ¥ ₣ ₤ ₧ € % ‰
The default value is $ If your display, keyboard or browser has difficulty with special characters you can use explicit HTML codes (e.g. &#36; &#128; &#163; etc.). Press <F3> to select from a list of available currencies. Note: the HTML code characters are echoed as the value, however the corresponding currency character will print.
Zero Amount Characters
The default value is - (hyphen), which is the accepted formal standard to represent the value 0.00 (you may specify any characters to represent the 0.00 value, including "0.00").

When the print operation is completed a notification window appears, as shown below. At this point you have the option to launch your default browser to preview/print the result immediately, or you can open the file created at any later time using your favorite browser or HTML viewing software.

Shown below is the report created by this example.

You can see below that the Report Tag column was filled in automatically on the Presentation Quality Setup View when the report was printed. You can likely ignore this column, since the default behavior covers most simple reporting requirements. However, if you have elaborate needs they can be accommodated using this column. See Custom HTML Reports.

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