NewViews Version 2.33 is Available Now
NewViews version 2.33 is now available. To download, click here. The latest enhancements to the program include:
- New Print > Receipts command
- Transaction Edit Date Range Control
- More Flexible Ledger Entries
- Improved Multi-user Error Management
- Additional Info Roadmaps
This version also includes updated United States 2018 tax calculations for Kentucky, New Jersey, New Mexico and Utah.
In addition to the features mentioned above, NewViews for Non-Profit Housing provides the following new tools:
- Tracking of non-financial data for pets, parking and emergency contacts.
- Tracking of vacant units and vacancy revenue losses. The Move Out tool can now revenue losses due to partial month refunds, and the Rent Register tool can record revenue losses due to vacancies.
- Five new housing reports, printing using the new Print > Housing Reports command:
- Unit Specific Age – prints a list of all members/tenants in each unit, with age and birth dates, sorted by unit number
- Age Group Details – same as Unit Specific Age but sorted by age instead of unit number
- Income Review Required – prints a report showing the next effective review date for each unit and the number of days remaining
- Meeting Sign In Sheet – prints a list of all members/tenants in the building
- Housing Income Limit (HIL) – prints a report that calculates average incomes for RGI units and categorizes them into families, seniors, non-elderly singles and special needs (a new field).
Below is a short video demonstrating the new tools added to NewViews for Non-Profit Housing: