Downloading and Installing Your NV1 Payroll Update

Please Note!

Payroll updates will be available on the website one business day after your order is received by Q.W. Page.

Before starting, you need to know two things:

  1. Your NewViews serial number.
  2. The drive and directory in which your NewViews program is installed.

Both of these may be found by opening your books and running the SUPPORT procedure. The top two items contain the information you need. Please completely read and understand the instuctions below before beginning the downloading process.

Downloading Payroll

  1. Enter your serial number in the box at the top of this page and click Proceed.
    Note: Do not enter NV, NVA, NVR, NVW or any “0” (zeroes) at the beginning. Doing so will cause you to receive an error that your payroll is not available.
  2. If a payroll update is found for the serial number you have entered, you will be given a link to begin the download.
    NOTE: If you receive an error message, double check that you have entered the serial number correctly. If this fails to resolve the error, your payroll update may not be available on the web site yet. Please contact Customer Service at 905-946-9460 or 1-800-267-PAGE (7243).
  3. Once you click the link, you will receive the following:

    If you are running Netscape Navigator:
    A dialog box may appear titled “Unknown File Type”.
    If this box appears, click the “Save File” button.

    If you are running Internet Explorer:
    A dialog box may appear titled “File Download”.
    Click the “Save Program to Disk” button.

  4. A dialog box titled “Save As” will appear. Navigate to the drive and directory where NewViews is installed (as noted from the SUPPORT procedure) and click the “Save” button.
  5. The file is then downloaded onto the computer (or disk). When the download is finished you may exit your web browser and disconnect from the Internet.

Installing Payroll from a Downloaded File in your NewViews Directory

  1. Open Windows Explorer (if not already open), locate the downloaded file and double click the file name.
  2. The payroll update library files are extracted from the download file.If you see a message similar to:
    PKSFX: (W18) Warning! README.PCD already exists. Overwrite?
    Press “A”.
  3. Type EXIT and press [Enter].
  4. In the NewViews Shell, select the “Books” option to open your books.
  5. From anywhere in the books, run the GETLIB procedure.In the procedure prompt, type:
    NV1PRCD2 (if you are using Canadian Payroll)
    NV1PRUS2 (if you are using United States Payroll)
  6. Press [F5].
  7. If you run payroll in other books, repeat steps #5 through 7 in each set of books to install the payroll update.