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  • #11323

    For anyone who uses this procedure and finds that the Balances do not match, here is a problem I found:

    Besides books being out of balance, look for accounts that Total To a Total account.

    1. Where you have several departments and the Rev & Exp total to a Summay Report. This could happen:

    Say all the expenses for dept 2 total to TE.2 (total exp dept 2), which goes to 2 (total of dept 2 expenses) on the Summary. 2 totals to TE (total exp all depts) on the summary.

    If someone has an expense code going directly to TE than TRBAL will not balance.

    2. If moved an AR account to a closed report (that still has a balance) and it Total’s To an AR account on the Balance Sheet. The AR will show the correct balance, but the TRBAL may not include the amount in the printout.

    Can Anyone else identify other problems?

    Post Edited (05-29-04 14:14)

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