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The year 2015 ends on a Thursday, with Friday falling on Jan 1, 2016.

If your weekly or bi-weekly pay period ends on Friday, Jan 1, 2016, and you hand out pay checks on the Friday, the checks must be dated January 1, 2016.

You must be consistent when dating your pay checks! If it’s always on a Friday, it must remain on a Friday.

You should NOT change the date of these checks to Thursday Dec 31, 2015. Doing so would create an extra pay on the employees’ T4s for 2015, and employees would be short a pay on their T4s for 2016.

When you have weekly payroll, this issue will occur every 5th or 6th year. When you have bi-weekly payroll, it will occur every 11th year.

Furthermore, with weekly payroll there will be 53 pay periods every 5th or 6th year. With bi-weekly payroll, there will be 27 pay periods every 11th year.


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NewViews version 2.28.3, which includes updated payroll for January 2016, is now available. To download, click here.

This version also includes several behavioral changes and bug fixes. Complete details can be found here.

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The January 2016 Payroll Update for NV1 (NewViews for DOS) is now available. To download your update, have your NV1 serial number ready and click here.

We are currently finalizing NV2 Payroll Update for 2016 and expect it to be available on Tuesday, December 22, 2015. To view the current status, click here.

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It’s important for NV1 users to realize that keeping archived backups of your NV1 data files is NOT enough to preserve your financial information.

You may have several backup copies of your main financial data files. You may even have them properly spread across different media, e.g. CD, hard drive and USB storage. But do you have hardware that can open those archived files, along with a copy of the original program that created them?

Three things are required to access your archived NV1 data files. The correct hardware, an appropriate operating system, and the NV1 program. Without all three, your archived NV1 data files are useless. The best way to preserve your information is to convert your NV1 data files to NewViews 2 for Windows.

For complete details, click here.