NewViews Version 2.38.2 – July 6, 2024
This is a service pack for version 2.38.
Behavior Changes
- A NewViews service creates a new executable for every database it manages.
When a NewViews service opens an application database it launches a NewViews process to manage the database. Each application database is therefore managed by a separate process, improving the efficient use of computer resources. Starting with this version, NewViews also creates a copy of itself, i.e. a new executable, and launches the new process using that copied executable. The new executable is created in the NewViews program folder and it is given a file name that identifies the database that it manages. The main reason for doing this is so that the various processes can be better identified and managed, for example, in the Windows task manager. This is of little concern to most users but it should help computer administrators monitor real-time NewViews activity and performance on different databases.
NewViews Version 2.38.1 – January 12, 2024
This is a service pack for version 2.38.
January 2024 Payroll Update
- USA payroll users Georgia will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2024.
Problem / Bug Fixes
- Canadian payroll T4-XML file creation contained a typo.
Employee T4 slip tag for the employer dental plan code was misspelled so the file could not be successfully submitted. This release corrects the problem.
- The database_utilities operations could not be run from a command line.
The database_utilities check and repair operations could not be run from a command line. This problem only occurred in the previous release, ( This release fixes the problem.
NewViews Version 2.38 – December 27, 2023
This is a version change, resetting the service pack number to zero. After installing this version, each workstation, server, or application database is automatically processed the first time you open it. You will be asked for confirmation before any processing is performed and, as a precaution, a backup is made automatically before each conversion.
2024 Payroll Update
- Canadian January 01, 2024 tax calculation update.All Canadian payroll users will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2024.
This release includes Canadian payroll processing for federal taxes and 12 jurisdictions: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon.
See the CPP2 Primer for updates required to your account setup before processing payroll in 2024.
- United States January 01, 2024 tax calculation update.All United States payroll users will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2024.
This release includes updated processing for federal taxes and it includes 14 of the states that have released final specifications: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and West Virginia.
CPP2 Primer
For all Canadian Payroll users, there is a new section in the User Guide under Canada Payroll called CPP2 Primer (new CPP2 rules for 2024 as per the CRA). See the CPP2 Primer for updates required to your account setup before processing payroll in 2024.
Problem / Bug Fixes
- Auto Reconcile windows had layout problems.
The browser windows used by auto_reconcile rely on external JavaScript packages which are loaded from external sources. One of those sources for jQuery ceased to exist sometime between now and the previous release, resulting in a disconnect between the auto_reconcile tree and table windows. This release fixes the problem by linking to a different, more stable, JS package source.
NewViews Version 2.37.3 – November 20, 2023
This is a service pack for version 2.37. Note that version 2.37.1 was only released for NewViews NPH users and 2.37.2 was an internal service pack release.
Behavior Changes
- The Go Home button will appear in the window toolbar in more cases (depending on access rights).
The Go Home button will clean up (collapse) the database tree explorer pane and reset to exploring from “Home”. Previously, only users with access to the root OBJECT of the database (i.e. total access) had this toolbar button enabled. This release offers the Go Home button to anyone with access to a single point in the database (e.g. NewViews or Reports or Payroll etc.)
- Database utilities check dangling index records operation was improved.
Additional internal checks are performed during this operation.
- Database utilities repair_dangling_index_records operation was improved.
This operation fixes problems detected by the check_dangling_index_records operation. It was upgraded to fix additional problems now also detected by the check_dangling_index_records operation as indicated in the above. In addition, it now also fixes dangling object references detected by the check_dangling_object_references operation.
Problem / Bug Fixes
- Enabling a postings or transactions collection could cause a bug that may corrupt the database, possibly beyond repair. This will mean reverting to the most recent backup of the database.This update should be installed as soon as possible.When changing the Ledger Index field on an account or the Transaction Index on a journal from No to Yes, a bug could occur, resulting in premature shutdown. This was relatively rare; i.e. only on very large indexes and it was only encountered by a small number of users. This release fixes the problem.
- Default values were reset to empty in some scripts.Version 2.37.2 (internal service pack) dropped stored option values for some scripts and commands. New values entered during version 2.37.2 were stored and restored as usual. However, this version will revert to the values stored prior to changes made in version 2.37.2.
- Tools>Auto Reconcile command did not recognize a tag.The tag ORIGCURRENCY and related tags were not recognized. They are now recognized but skipped.
- Several progress bar glitches in database utilities were corrected.In several of the database utilities repair commands the number of operations was not being updated correctly.
- Occurrences of the “empty command” bug were reduced.A source of this bug was eliminated and this should reduce the number of times it appears. However, we cannot report at this time that all instances of the problem have been eliminated.
NewViews Version 2.37 – July 10, 2023
This is a version change, resetting the service pack number to zero. After installing this version, each workstation, server, or application database is automatically processed the first time you open it. You will be asked for confirmation before any processing is performed and, as a precaution, a backup is made automatically before each conversion.
July 2023 Payroll Update
- Canadian payroll users in Manitoba will require this version to process payroll after July 1st, 2023.
- USA payroll users in Alabama, Idaho, and West Virginia will require this version to process payroll after July 1st, 2023.
Upgrades for Mobile Apps
Three mobile apps are currently offered for NewViews (Work Orders, Inspections and Time Cards). This release includes upgrades to better support mobile apps (for existing apps and planned new features) and for new apps in development.
Profit Columns
Some users have noticed that on-screen displays of profit margins and profit markups are missing, and this can lead to tedious effort with a spreadsheet. To assist with profit analysis (when sales and cost of goods sold are tracked by product or product category), several menus have been updated to allow you to place these columns where appropriate.
NewViews Version 2.36.3 – January 24, 2023
This is a service pack for version 2.36.
January 2023 Payroll Update
- Canadian January 01, 2023 tax calculation update.
All Canadian payroll users taking advantage of NewViews’ ability to calculate WCB will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2023.
- United States January 01, 2023 tax calculation update.
US payroll users in Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island and Vermont will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2023.
NewViews Version 2.36.2 – December 28, 2022
This is a service pack for version 2.36.
January 2023 Payroll Update
- Canadian January 01, 2023 tax calculation update. All Canadian payroll users will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2023.
This release includes Canadian payroll processing for federal taxes and 12 jurisdictions: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Yukon.
- United States January 01, 2023 tax calculation update. All United States payroll users will require this version to process payroll after January 1st, 2023.
This release includes updated processing for federal taxes and it includes 22 of the states that have released final specifications: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, D.C., Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia and Yonkers local
NewViews Version 2.36.1 – November 25, 2022
This is a service pack for version 2.36.
- Under certain rare circumstances, a database could crash between safepoints, potentially compromising the internal recovery system that prevents data corruption.Database utilities checking for block_pointer_integrity and free_block_integrity sometimes reported errors that indicated a problem with the internal recovery system. In most cases, these errors could be repaired by running an nvreorg. In some cases, however, damage occurred in a critical area and could not be fixed by nvreorg. This release fixes the source of the problem that could potentially compromise the recovery system.
- When using Block>Copy and Block>Paste commands for payroll timecard transactions, the start time and end time were not copied. This release fixes the problem.
- A user transaction edit date range that spanned more than 68 years effectively locked the database to transaction entry/edit (e.g. 1950 to 2025). This release fixes the problem.