it has been said many times “There are many right answers, only one best answer !” It sounds like you have a “Right Answer” for your client – and “if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it ! “
But perhaps some hints could make it easier to do the IMEX (IMport / EXport) ?
The real questions are about “Information Management” and multi-user, just makes it easier.
At a very simple level – you might want to consider the following?
Workstations – assuming they do only data entry?
For all workstations
– They should have a “Template” Set of books only (Accounts but no transactions)
– Put all new accounts on “New Vender” – “New Client” reports.
With a procedure
– At the end of each “session” or day, run an “Export Procedure” to output all the New Reports
– then move all the reports to a “Processed Report”
– then export all the transactions, and delete them after the export.
You have a “clean set of books again.
From the Main – Import the “new accounts” then the transactions & its easy to find because they’re on the “New Reports” list.
You can / could automate pretty much the whole procedure to run each night – even for the workstations with the help of some VB programs (or any VBA programs) that are “time and file” , aware. Of course, unless the “books” are on the network, each workstation must be left on.
But its food for thought !!
richasher wrote:
> I have a client that has used seperate computer work stations
> for posting sales (sales journal) and purchases (purchase journal). . . . . .
> Richard Asher
> (way out in Los Angeles).