
Oh :-)

Thank you for the assist !

I did send him a “private note” about some suggestions. It appears to be a more of a Windows problem – but I am not certain. Althought I never thougth about the file name limit – by habit I always make DOS files to be 8×3 chars.

But I would suggest sticking to the .prn from newviews. As a “drag & drop” the file name does not matter.

There are some new updates to the NV Side, and I will release them next week – they mostly make the installation simplier.

Thanks again Henry.

HMah wrote:

> I don’t know if this will solve your problem, but I would suggest keeping your print files 8 Char or less(plus ext). Set the Print Options to print to c:nvquenewell.prn (or txt).
> Also be sure that nvPRN is set to AutoStart and the min time for checking if a file is present.