April 17, 2004 at 3:44 am
I ran some other tests – a DOS Dot matrix (which I know prints with newviews – even from windows). I put this printer on the network, and had no problems controling the printing. Even the graphic files were reasonable for a dot matrix.
The nvPRNq was not really designed for “DOS Capablties” – but if Windows can do it, then so can nvPRNq But I can see, being able to send HEX codes such as “RESET” would be a nice to have feature – especially with DOS, but . . . . . it can be encoded into the template using @chr()
Next I will try moving the books to the network (configured as Tom Hyland did) – but in past tests, this did not give any problems (providing the local workstation is setup correctly.
Post Edited (04-16-04 23:57)