To download this update for NewViews 2 or NewViews for Non-Profit Housing, click here.

This service pack provides:

  • Updated Payroll for January 2019 for both Canada and the United States
  • Autocomplete date entry
  • Modified approach to more flexible ledger entries
  • The option to enter a pet’s age directly vs date of birth (NewViews for Non-Profit Housing only)
  • Behaviour changes with regard to long-duration operations in a multiuser environment
  • Problem/Bug fixes (server/service restarting after encoutering unexpected errors, checks/cheques printing negative amounts)

For more details, click here.

All NewViews Payroll users in Ontario who installed service pack 3 should install service pack 4 as soon as possible to ensure that payroll will be processed correctly as of July 1, 2018.

To download the update, click here.

NewViews 2.32 service pack 3, which was release on June 18, 2018 included personal income tax rates, brackets and surtax changes for July 1, as proposed by the Ontario Liberal government on March 28. Immediately following this release, we were notified by the Canada Revenue Agency that senior Ontario officials in the incoming government had confirmed it does not intend to proceed with changes to Ontario personal income tax rates, brackets and surtax that were presented in the 2018 Ontario Budget.

NewViews 2.32 service pack 4, which was released on June 25, reverts back to Ontario personal income tax rates, brackets and surtax as at Jan 1, 2018 as set forth in the Payroll Deductions Formulas, 108th Edition, Effective July 1, 2018, T4127JUL(E) Rev.18