
Here is the post from David in the NV2 forum:

Author: DEholnikof (—.151.141-ip019.ica.net)
Date: 12-01-03 03:56


Perhaps this is not the best place, maybe not even the correct place to speak about nvPRNq – but methods of reaching NV users at large, are very VERY Limited. So, if I’ve erred, I apologize – and no doubt will be admonished !! :~/

I think the nvPRNq is necessary as a “Production Piece” but also to show both QW Page, and NewViews have continued movement into the windows world.

I also think nvPRNq could be an alterative method for NV2 printing. I would think that many have Excel – BUT I know that not everybody does (IE – users of Corel, and StarOffice)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The new Demo version of the nvPRNq is ready. You can download a copy from http://www.prgms.com/newviews/nvPRNq/demo/index.html

The program includes all the necessary files for Windows and NewViews. If you have an older nvPRNft or nvPRNq, please un-install first. Please follow the basic steps in order:
FROM Windows
1: Download the zip file
2: Expand all files to a temp directory
3: run the “setup.exe” (Please use the defaults)
4: Start the nvPRNq.exe program

FROM NewViews
1: From NewViews, import c:nvRUNONCE using GETPROCS
2: If the print drivers (PRC) ASCIIQ or NOFORMQ exist, please delete
3: Run the RUNONCE

You are now ready to print.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
– The nvPRNq will attach to your Windows Default Printer. If the printer is not connected, the nvPRNq will not start. This is by design.

– The features of printing (Quality, Landscape, Etc) combined with Font size with network printers can sometimes give unusual print results.