PDhillon wrote:
> Hi David,
> It was extremly kind of you respond to the GIFI question.
Anytime !
> I thing I will reed the NPL guide and get more info on how to
> copy and past (as this is windows) and New views is DOS (does not
> accept paste), and difference on note and procedure options.
Ah – actually you can “cut&paste” from windows, in to NewViews And Vs
but you need to have NV as a “Window” – (of course, this is window’s dependant – and works with server or XP Editions)
When you have NewViews up and running – do ALT Enter, and it will toggle back and forth between full screen or window’ed.
In really – the proc is only a quick short cut, to exporting what ever is showing in a report. And presumes all numbers are in the first column.
I have emailed the code to you, so can import it, into a procedure. If I was doing a “product” – then certainly the options would be included.