November 12, 2004 at 5:02 pm #11345
ParticipantHi All,
Can you tell me how we can export Newviews Financial statements
into GIFI Schedule for T2. I use Microsophic (Visual tax)
and it accepts in the following format:Each GIFI line needs to be on a separate line as shown in the example below:
November 12, 2004 at 6:08 pm #12685DEholnikof
ParticipantAh – at the simple level, a little bit of NPL code will let you export anything. For example the procedure EXP123 – will almost give exactly what you want.
Some of the questions around this, are
Do you want all of the accounts, include the “Total To” or only posting accounts?
And for what day or end period of time?Regards
DavidNovember 15, 2004 at 2:54 pm #12686PDhillon
I forget to mention the GIFI accounts in this case
are same as “account numbers” in New views, to make life
easy.So the Question is, How to export the “account nos”, Dollar amount.
November 15, 2004 at 5:25 pm #12687DEholnikof
ParticipantAs a simple service, here is the code to get you started. The code should be expanded to include what is the column Amount, and to set the Print Options – but then we start getting into a program – and not just a few lines of code.
Copy (Cut & Paste) the code into any Procedure. Set a block on a report, then /GR MYPROC. Don’t forget to set your print options !!!
Hope this helps you get started
! This NPL Code provided free by
! Programmers Group – info@prgms.com
! Use as is, no support provided 2004
! This will exportprint the Name and Amount in Column 1
! You should set the print options,
! – APPEND = No
! – FileName = C:Myfile.txt
! Minimal error handling is here – but could be expanded
@declare Amt% = 101
@declare Acct$ = 102
@declare Main() = 103
@equ Main()
@ifblk @then
~CS ^M @loadkey Amt%
^M^M^M^M^M @loadkey Acct$
@stradd Acct$=”””” + Acct$
@stradd Acct$=Acct$ + “””,”
@stradd Acct$=Acct$ + Amt%
@print Acct$
@loop Main()
@end @eol
@iferr @esc
@exec Main()
!Post Edited (11-15-04 12:34)
November 18, 2004 at 9:56 pm #12688PDhillon
ParticipantHi David,
It was extremly kind of you respond to the GIFI question.
I thing I will reed the NPL guide and get more info on how to copy
and past (as this is windows) and New views is DOS (does not accept paste), and difference on note and procedure options.Its not a bad Idea to have procedures to export Financial statements to excel instead of typing them in there !.
Thank you
November 18, 2004 at 10:49 pm #12689DEholnikof
ParticipantPDhillon wrote:
> Hi David,
> It was extremly kind of you respond to the GIFI question.
Anytime !
> I thing I will reed the NPL guide and get more info on how to
> copy and past (as this is windows) and New views is DOS (does not
> accept paste), and difference on note and procedure options.
Ah – actually you can “cut&paste” from windows, in to NewViews And Vsbut you need to have NV as a “Window” – (of course, this is window’s dependant – and works with server or XP Editions)
When you have NewViews up and running – do ALT Enter, and it will toggle back and forth between full screen or window’ed.
In really – the proc is only a quick short cut, to exporting what ever is showing in a report. And presumes all numbers are in the first column.
I have emailed the code to you, so can import it, into a procedure. If I was doing a “product” – then certainly the options would be included.
DavidNovember 20, 2004 at 4:17 pm #12690HMah
ParticipantYou can currently export nv reports and transactions to excel. Set the /PO to a filename rather than LPT1.
Then print the document and open it in excel. Select MS Dos and Fixed.
Transactions can also be done in the same manner, but use Comma separated if you wish them separated by commas.
November 21, 2004 at 6:11 am #12691DEholnikof
ParticipantHMah wrote:
> You can currently export nv reports and transactions to excel.
> Set the /PO to a filename rather than LPT1.Ah – not that it doesn’t work, but I don’t think this really solves the “Export” Problem quite the way PDhillon wanted.
I assume he’s really looking for a “custom” method – and really should consider have a program (nv proc) written to suit his needs.
But if he’s inclined to write his own proc’s – then
– EXPSETUP Export report setup in ASCII
– EXPTRANS Export transactions in ASCII
would be good places to start.Regards
DavidNovember 23, 2004 at 6:14 pm #12692HMah
I leave custom programming to experts like you. I can usually find a solution to most NV problems without the use of custom procedures (or by using existing NV procedures).
Like to show users that there are often simple solutions which even a basic user can apply.
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