Currently you cannot import data into NV2 from Access or Excel. You can howewever import data into NV2 exactly like you could into NV1 using the IMPORT procedure. Importing into NV2 will be expanded in updated versions of NV2.
In NV2, you can right mouse click Tools > Import Records. An Import Records window appeaars prompting for a file name to import. See the NewViews 2.08 Manual > Appendix D – Importing Files into NV2 for more clarification of file formats / File Layout and how it works. The ASCII format is fully implemented as of NewViews 2.08. FIXED Length Records will be implemented in version 2.09.
As for writing scripts in NV2 (procedures), documentation may be added at a later date in the manual about this. See the NewViews 2.08 Manual > Appendix A > What’s Coming > Programmer Interface for some more information about this.
The NV1 procedures you had mentioned above are in NV2. Procedures like BLKCOPY and BLKPASTE in NV1 are located in the Block Folder (right mouse click on your table and plus on Block > Copy and/or Block > Paste). Block Copy and Block Paste is currently implemented in NewViews > Account > Sub Folders and NewViews > Journal > Sub Journals and posting accounts. It is not implemented in NewViews > Payroll yet. COPYCOL is under Tools > Fill Column (right mouse click on your table Tools > Fill Column).
GOX is on F9 (see Help > Keyboard for a detailed list of the Function Keys preprogrammed with NV2). XACCT is now F3 when choosing a posting account and RENAME is no longer present as you have the ability to change the name of an account that has postings in it by changing the name of the account from the blue table displaying the account names.