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  • #17486

    Opened workstation to update set of books. Ran successfully.
    Tried to open it up using workstation, then this error showed up:

    .text {Encountered bug “314120040311082147” while running “c:/nv2/nv2.exe” ( on computer “pserver”.}
    .help_id 314120050312171551
    /14117700352 {
    .text {Error occurred in command:odb_first}
    /141177003511 {
    .text {Could not open index /OBJECT/SYSTEM/WINDOW/SCREEN/}
    /141177003510 {
    .log {
    .type bug
    .date 20140926182022
    .nameofexecutable c:/nv2/nv2.exe
    .hostname pserver
    .stack {
    .26 {constructor1 -id /OBJECT/NEWVIEWS/ODDS_AND_ENDS -tree ::qw::odb::20120912014846::/1363377673_63416 -parent ::QW::GUI::WIDGET_CANVAS_TREE::NODE::NODE6}
    .24 {structure_data_load /OBJECT/NEWVIEWS ::QW::GUI::WIDGET_CANVAS_TREE::NODE::NODE5}
    .23 {structure_data_load /OBJECT {}}
    .22 gui_load_tree
    .21 {observer_database ::qw::odb::20070709214321::/1}
    .20 gui_load_observer_database
    .19 gui_load_observer_database
    .18 gui_load_observer_database
    .17 gui_load_observer_database
    .16 ::qw::cls::sOBJECTsSYSTEMsWINDOW::gui_load_observer_database
    .15 gui_load_observer_database
    .14 gui_load_observer_database
    .13 gui_load_observer_database
    .12 gui_load_observer_database
    .11 ::qw::cls::sOBJECTsSYSTEMsWINDOW::gui_load_observer_database
    .10 gui_load_observer_database
    .9 gui_load_observer_database
    .8 gui_load_observer_database
    .7 gui_load
    .6 {session_login_now {.create 1 .database_path d:/nv1/book-folder/database.nv2}}
    .5 {session_login {.create 1 .database_path d:/nv1/book-folder/database.nv2}}
    .4 {open {.create 1}}
    .3 {edit_assist_item {.type list .default open .list {open closed} .title {Select State} .help {.help_id 314120050227124827}}}
    .2 edit_assist
    .1 {reference_pick {.windowPath . .type 2 .serialNumber 610 .send -1 .state 8 .subWindowHex 0x00000000 .time 1263440927 .x 1197 .y 271 .keyCode 114 .asciiCharacter {} .keySymbolString F3 .keySymbolDecimal 65472}}
    .bug_id 314120040311082147
    .text {Could not load object identified by “::qw::odb::20070709214321::/1278213517_14595”.}
    .priority bug

    Explorer pane and Payroll fields next to Explorer opened blank.


    From the workstation select Tools > Script Evaluate > Database_ID_set.qw_script (or click list to find) and then select the application database d:/nv1/book-folder/database.nv2 and then click OK.

    I suspect that you have a matching database ID number with another application database.

    Regards to All,


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