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  • #47905

    When exiting the workstation, an automatic logout backup used to be created.
    Recently, it seems to have stopped.
    The last workstation.nv2_backup_logout file is dated 2024-10-30.
    How can I make sure the backups are created again?


    The workstation log out backup is created every seven days. If the system date is greater than the last workstation_backup logout file date then a logout backup is created. If no workstation backup logout file exists then the file is created automatically at logout.

    You can move the log out backups or rename them via a batch script to have NV2 create a workstation backup logout file.

    An alternative is to menu select File > Backup from the NewViews workstation table.

    Regards to All,



    I removed any backup files present in the nv2 folder where workstation.nv2 is located and there is no automatic backup done. I entered and existed NewViews a few times.

    It used to work and I do remember it was once a week.


    Could it be linked to the latest Windows 11 version? 24H2


    I suspect that the workstation.nv2 file you are using is located in another directory/folder and or yo have specified some extra command line syntax to run NewViews 2.0

    The Demo Books choice from the NewViews 2.0 menu specifies simple command line syntax. Perhaps you can open and close the Demo Books on your system.

    Regards to All,


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