NewViews 2.34 Service Pack 7 Released
To download this update for NewViews 2 or NewViews for Non-Profit Housing, click here.
This service pack includes:
- The new Reorganize – Test Reorganizable Command. This Database Utilities command tests whether a reorganization of the books would succeed and provides the rest result in a fraction of the time it would normally take to check or reorganize a set of books.
- Reinforced Internet Security. NewViews has an outstanding reputation for withstanding cyber attacks due to our proprietary technology and because we continually monitor evolving threats. This release incorporates a number of “under the hood” reinforcements that enable NewViews to continue to track and withstand attacks.
- Behaviour changes/bug fixes.
In addition to the above, NewViews for Non-Profit Housing provides the following new features:
- Revamped Print – Rent Receipts command. This command has been completely overhauled. When generating rent receipts, you can now specify any number of bank accounts used to deposit payments from members/tenants, as well as any number of housing revenue accounts to be included in and excluded from rent receipt totals. The Print – Rent Receipts prompt has been streamlined and three new print templates are provided.
rent_receipt_single_total.xls prints a receipt showing the total amount received from each member/tenant marked in the block.
rent_receipt_all_totals.xls is for internal use and prints the following information for each member/tenant marked in the block: opening balance of the account, total amount included in the receipt, total amount excluded from the rent receipt, total charges, total payments, total amount of the receipt, closing balance of the account.
rent_receipt_statement.xls prints monthly amounts for each member/tenant marked in the block as follows: charges included in the rent receipt, charges excluded from the rent receipt, total charges (included and excluded), payment received, over/under amount and account balance
- FCHI2 utilities have been updated for 2021.
- HSA housing income limits have been updated for 2021.
- The RGI calculator now rounds minimum rent to the nearest dollar for FCHI2 RGI items.