NewViews 2.34 Service Pack 9 Released
To download this update for NewViews 2 or NewViews for Non-Profit Housing, click here.
This service pack includes the following behaviour changes and bug fixes:
- NewViews now tolerates moderate system clock drift (i.e. up to 30 minutes difference between the computer’s system clock and the most recent session login date for a set of books).
- Workstation crashes no longer cascade to other processes. In previous versions, a workstation crash could cause connected servers to crash and then freeze or crash other workstations connected to the server.
- Sessions were incorrectly being marked as “crashed”. Properly closed sessions were sometimes marked “crashed” instead of “closed”. This only occurred when running the server as a Windows service and only for the session where the last user logged out of the database. The database itself retained its integrity in all other aspects. If you are using a Windows service there will be fewer sessions marked “crashed” from this point forward.
- Database utilities Repair>Dangling Double Indirect Records command was broken; this release fixes the problem.
- Database utilities Repair>Transaction Amounts did not work properly on multiple tags; this release fixes the problem.
- Abort did not work on several database utilities checks; this release fixes the problem.