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A mini reference guide is now available for NewViews for Non-Profit Housing users. This one page resource provides direct links to topics in the NewViews NPH User Guide that are very useful to new users, including: Function keys Mouse shortcuts Sorting tables & modifying columns Resizing windows Drilling down Entering tenant RGI information Creating the […]
NewViews version 2.33.3 is now available. To download, click here. This service pack includes the following performance enhancements and behavior changes: Increased speed and reduced memory consumption. We have had substantial success reducing memory requirements on NewViews workstations and servers. As a result, the chance of “blowing” memory on large operations has been significantly reduced. Multiuser […]
To download this update for NewViews 2 or NewViews for Non-Profit Housing, click here. This service pack provides: Updated United States Payroll for January 2019 for Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island and Vermont. Behaviour changes to session states when running NewViews as a service; faster payrun processing in a multiuser environment; changing views […]
To download this update for NewViews 2 or NewViews for Non-Profit Housing, click here. This service pack provides: Updated Payroll for January 2019 for both Canada and the United States Autocomplete date entry Modified approach to more flexible ledger entries The option to enter a pet’s age directly vs date of birth (NewViews for Non-Profit […]
We recently launched our Data Hosting Service for NewViews Accounting (NV2) and NewViews for Non-Profit Housing. More and more NewViews users are taking advantage of this cost effective and secure option for providing staff, accountants/auditors, board members and other stakeholders with 24/7 remote access to their books. The video below gives a brief overview of […]
All NewViews Payroll users in Ontario who installed service pack 3 should install service pack 4 as soon as possible to ensure that payroll will be processed correctly as of July 1, 2018. To download the update, click here. NewViews 2.32 service pack 3, which was release on June 18, 2018 included personal income tax […]
IMPORTANT NOTICE! DOWNLOADS OF SERVICE PACK 3 FOR NEWVIEWS 2 AND NEWVIEWS FOR NON-PROFIT HOUSING HAVE BEEN TEMPORARILY DISABLED. THIS IS DUE TO CHANGES TO ONTARIO PAYROLL THAT HAVE JUST BEEN ANNOUNCED. NewViews version 2.32.3 is now available. To download, click here. This release includes July 1, 2018 tax table changes for Canadian payroll (ON and PEI). […]
Did you know that you can add attachments anywhere in a NewViews set of books? Attachments can include images, PDFs, MS Office documents, etc. There are two key reasons for storing attachments in your books: 1) Files that support and supplement your NewViews data will be conveniently accessible and in context; 2) critical business files […]
To close our NewViews Feature Showcase on EFT, the video below demonstrates how to set up and process pre-authorized deposits from customers. This video is Part 2 in a series; Part 1, which demonstrates how to pay suppliers using EFT, can be found here. NV2 and NewViews for Non-Profit Housing users may also want to […]
Throughout April, we’ll be showcasing NewViews and EFT (electronic funds transfer) to pay suppliers and accept deposits from customers. EFT is a time-saving and convenient option that helps you manage your cash flow and reduces costs associated with producing and processing paper cheques. Best of all, EFT functionality is built right into NewViews – the […]
This release only impacts NewViews for Non-Profit Housing users, who should install it at their earliest convenience. NV2 users can choose to skip this release. To download this update, click here. This service pack fixes the following bugs in the NewViews for Non-Profit Housing edition: If household income for a unit exceeds market rent, negative […]