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  • #11334

    Has anyone found a way to conveniently print out the relevant company name on ledgers or reports without using PRTACCTS and inserting the name in the Status Line section?

    I frequently use PRINT BLOCK for various purposes because its a fast way to get what I want and it doesn’t have to look pretty. However, I find with several sets of books print outs are not always easily identifiable.




    To print reports, you can use the REPORT procedure. Issue /Go runProc REPORT and press enter on Global Settings and type the name of the Company you will be printing reports for. The company information that you had entered in Global Settings will be used each time you run the procedure REPORT. Make sure Local footings and Local Headings are set to No.

    To print Ledgers, you can use the procedure PRTLEDG which is included on productivity disk #3. It is like PRTACCTS but it’s template driven which means you can type anything you want (like Company Information) in a non repeating item area. At the top of ~LDG1A.TPL you can enter your company information and then issue /Go runProc PARSE and select ~LDG1A.TPL to save your changes. PRTLEDG comes with 4 templates that can be modified or copied to create new templates. Here is the list of templates:

    ~LDG2A.TPL ~PRTLEDG Dr & Cr cols, pg 1
    ~LDG2B.TPL ~PRTLEDG Dr & Cr cols, pg 2+
    ~LDG1A.TPL ~PRTLEDG std ledger, pg 1
    ~LDG1B.TPL ~PRTLEDG std ledger, pg 2+





    Interesting problem – I will look into including this feature into the next nvPRNq. Currently you can add the books path, etc – but only through a template. It could be added programmatic by using a procedure to make a file to be appended to the header or footer.

    The “Block Print” is a raw print command. However you could do it now, with either NewViews or nvPRNq – by using a procedure to do the “block print” for you AND to make life simpler – connect the procedure to an FKEY.



    I’m familiar with the REPORT procedure and have used if for those flashy reports! Haven’t used the PRTLEDG and will try it and the FKEY idea for a fast & dirty print out.

    Thanks folks,

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