Your New Accountant Doesn’t Use NewViews – We Can Help!
If you feel NewViews is the best accounting solution for your organization but your new accountant is unfamiliar with NewViews, there’s no reason for you to consider switching to another software product. Doing so would likely compromise your ability to retain your historical accounting data, not to mention the disruption associated with retraining and resolving unanticipated snags and glitches. To avoid these issues, we can help with bringing your new accountant up to speed on NewViews, and even provide him/her with a free workstation license.
Have your accountant contact us to arrange a complimentary 3 hour onboarding session. This session can be held at our head office in Aurora, Ontario, or conducted remotely via live webinar. At the conclusion of the session, your accountant will be given a free NewViews workstation, which will include all upgrades for the first year. (Note: Accountants must be certified and in public practice to qualify.)
If your accountant uses Caseware, let him/her know that you can create an export file directly from NewViews that can then be imported into Caseware Working Papers. You can export summary amounts for each account or include ledger items for the current fiscal year. Your accountant can then review and analyze the data in Caseware and make any required adjustments, which can then be entered into NewViews.
If you’re using NewViews in a multiuser environment, you can also provide login access to your accountant. That way, he/she can access your books directly to review your financial data and/or make adjusting entries without interfering with the normal day to day accounting. This streamlined approach is both convenient and cost effective, saving time and money for all parties.
For more information on NewViews for Accountants, click here.