I have tried what you’ve suggested and as soon as I press F3 to display the Select Pick Root window…NV2 crashes.
The following error message appears:
.text {Encountered bug “314120040830144312” while running “d:/home/dvigliatore/computer/nv2/nv20.exe” ( on computer “boltonrailings”.}
.help_id 314120050312171551
/a2 {
.text {Encountered bug “314120040830144312” while running d:/home/dvigliatore/computer/nv2/nv20.exe on computer “boltonrailings”.}
.priority bug
.log {
.type bug
.date 20061011075253
.nameofexecutable d:/home/dvigliatore/computer/nv2/nv20.exe
.hostname boltonrailings
.stack {
.5 {::qw::bug 314120040830144312 {Attempted to call method “” on /OBJECT/SYSTEM/WINDOW/SCROLLED/TABLE/NOTES/COLUMN_DEFINE/REFERENCE/1160566987_112875.client with args “expand_path /OBJECT/NEWVIEWS/ACCOUNT”.}}
.4 {{} expand_path /OBJECT/NEWVIEWS/ACCOUNT}
.3 edit_assist_pick_root
.2 edit_assist
.1 {reference_pick {.windowPath . .type 2 .serialNumber 1613 .send -1 .state 8 .subWindowHex 0x00000000 .time 1100822671 .x 279 .y 150 .keyCode 114 .asciiCharacter {} .keySymbolString F3 .keySymbolDecimal 65472}}
.bug_id 314120040830144312
/a1 {
.text {Attempted to call method “” on /OBJECT/SYSTEM/WINDOW/SCROLLED/TABLE/NOTES/COLUMN_DEFINE/REFERENCE/1160566987_112875.client with args “expand_path /OBJECT/NEWVIEWS/ACCOUNT”.}