Run Server from the NewViews 2.0 windows menu on one machine where you have installed NV2 and on this NV2 server machine offer the books you have already converted. Note this machines IP address and or share name as you’ll need this below.
Run workstation from the NewViews 2.0 windows menu on another machine in which you have installed NV2 on and press the insert key to add a new row in the workstation table. Under server on this new row, enter the servers IP address or share name (see above) and press enter. Under directory press the F3 key to pick the NV2 database to connect to and press enter. Under state, press F3 and select Open.
Information on how to run a server and a workstation can be found in the NewViews 2.0 manual by clicking on the NewViews 2.0 windows menu by clicking on Manual. When the NewViews 2.03 manual appears on your screen, click on the plus (+) next to NewViews 2.03 Manual and you will see a help topic called The Server and The workstation. Click on the plus on the root topic to get more detailed information on both of these topics.