This is has been an interesting discussion. Like many of you, I’ve been using NV for a long time.
In 1986 I was shopping around for a full accounting package for our small business but couldn’t afford the $800 US *per module* the big names were charging at the time. I attended an NV demo in Milwaukee, WI, USA and was impressed with the product and its price. Payroll hadn’t been released yet but they promised it within a few months (the first broken promise) so I bought it. The ability to write or modify procs using NPL was a big factor in my decision. When Payroll was finally released I was disappointed with it so I rewrote it from scratch (it took me 6 months) and I’ve been using that version ever since. I’ve written more than a dozen procs to tailor NV to our business and can’t imagine operating without them. I don’t need multi-user capability and won’t buy NV2 if and when it’s ever released. My only concern is that Microsoft will eventually cut out DOS support altogether. It’s hard enough running NV1 on Windows XP. Oh well, I’m getting close to retirement anyway. I suppose I can keep a computer with Win98 going for another 10 years.
RR Johnson