There is a method currently to template an NV2 application database to a new application database but it is not as elegant as NV1 Make Books by choosing a template that you had created with the following command:
Create a new application database from the workstation table by entering under the file column thus:
Open the application database to which you will receive a message that it dows not exist, do you wish to create? Answer Yes and allow the default setup to complete.
Once done, open the mynewbooks.nv2 application (target) database and the current (source) application database on your workstation. From the target application database create the reports from Newiews > Reports and click on Folder Management and enter the report names and descriptions that appear in your source application database. From each source report (Account Setup) click block all (ALT BA) and then issue Block Copy. Enter a reusable Current Settings name and press enter (after clicking the new button) and Press F5 or the Copy button. You will see in the Block Copy/Paste Window what your have copied. Click the Save to Clipboard button (or F6) to copy the contents to the windows clipboard.
Go to the report in the target application database (Account > Setup) and issue Block Paste and click the button Load from Clipboard (or F7). You will see the contents copied from the source appear in your Block Paste taget window. Click the Paste button.
Repeat these steps for your other reports. As you proceed you will begin to see mynewbooks.nv2 will look like your source books.
I suggest that you close the target books after pasting a few reports to create a safe point.
Once complete, issue Tools > Script Evaluate from the (close the target) workstation table and select the following script:
nv2.exe > system > database_id_set.qw_script
When the window appears, navigate to mynewbooks.nv2 by clicking on the folder button.
Once the database has been changed, you can use mynewbooks.nv2 or even copy it to another location to create other application databases from it. Remember to change the database ID as per the script above.
Regards to All,