Received your screen shot and I see what you have done. You have created a new journal type called Work in Progress in the Journal hierarchy. This isn’t allowed and an appropriate error message should have appeared when you attempted to add Work in Progress under Object > NewViews > Journal > Journal Explorer.
What you need to do is to delete the transactions (print them first) in this Work in Progress Journal and then delete the Work in Progress Journal in the Journal Explorer of Object > NewViews > Journal.
Once done, click on Object > NewViews > Journal > General and then window select Sub Journals. Add your Work in Progress journal here. Add the transactions you had deleted to this journal.
I have also noticed that you are using an old version of NV2. Download the latest NV2 build from The current release of NV2 is 2.05 service pack 1.
This problem will be detected in the next upgrade of NV2 2.06.