The warnings in regards to normal balances are alerting you that you may have ATYPE’d a credit normal balance account as an expense or debit normal balance account as a revenue (these are examples). These are warnings which do not prevent you from importing into NV2. If the imported accounts are correct and appear in the correct folder under NewViews > Account > Account Type, then they are correct.
The errors in regards to journal entries being out of balance is probably looking at the reference number of the entries and is trying to match the in and out entries together. If the journal indicated in dicated in the errors (displayed on the notes view of NVEXPORT) do not conform to reference matchig then you can move the particular journal off of the journal report (the journal chosen from the NVEXPORT procedure) to an report called NOTJR. Run NVEXPORT again and you will see the error numbers diminish. If none of the journals in the journal report chosen in the procedure NVEXPORT confirm to reference match then you can leave Journal report blank in NVEXPORT and run it again. See the help in the NV2 manual > Appendix C > Converting NV1 to NV2 > Exporting NV1 Data > Journals & Journal Entries for more information.
To verify that you have an accurate conversion, I would review the Income Statements and Balance Sheets from NV1 with NV2.
The Tree Explorer on the left is set to the order it is in. The sub reports within NewViews > Reports are arranged in description order. You can alter this by changing the descriptions under Sub Reports (window select).