Click on the explorer tree to the left and click on System > User > Administrator (if you are the administrator) and window select Options from the top right table. Set your History Begin and End dates to the appropriate dates that you want.
This will set all reports under NewViews > Reports to this date range as well as NewViews > Accounts.
Note: If you have changed the dates as per above and had previously seen the multiple period analysis from 1985 onward, the multiple period dates still show the 1985 dates however the details from 1985 to your begin date are not shown. Simply right mouse click on the Multiple Period Analysis (blue table) plus on View > Analysis > Resolution and choose the wanted resolution to appear correctly.
A similiar feature to control break (in NV1) in NV2 is being worked on. I do not think it will make it into tghe 2.08 build which should available for download today or tomorrow.