You can obtain the HP printer codes from our web site at:
Here is a breakdown of the README file at the above URL:
CANONBJ.PRN Instructions on how to create printer drivers for CANON
bubble jet printers.
CANONLBP.PRN Instructions on how to create printer drivers for CANON
laser printers.
EPSON.PRN Instructions on how to create printer drivers for EPSON or
compatible printers.
EPSON.ZIP Drivers for Epson FX and LQ printers. LQ drivers work well
with Epson laser and ink (bubble) jet printers.
HP.PRN Instructions on how to create printer drivers for HP or
compatible printers.
HPINFO.PRN Detailed breakdown of the setup codes in HP printer
PRINTER.ZIP All printer configurations supplied by QW.
RAVEN.ZIP Printer configurations for Roland & Panasonic