Create a sub-folder for your inactive AP Vendor and Employees.
For Accounts Payable, click the Accounts > Folder Management Tab and add a new line. Under Type Select Folder (F3) and Name the Description to Inactive. Cursor off of the new line inserted and you will notice a subfolder below Accounts Payable (NewViews > Account > Accounts Payable). Move the inactive accounts under the Folder Description to the Inacative sub-folder by pressing F3 and select List. Move multiple Vendors, block the vendors and set the Folder description to the Inactive destination and then use Tools > Fill Column.
For Employees, select Advanced > Sub Payrolls > Folder Management from NewViews > Payroll > USA / Canadian Payroll and add a new line. Move the inactive employees from the current folder to the target (Inactive) folder by selecting the Employee > List Tab. Press F3 under the Payroll Column and select the target folder. Use Tools > Fill Column to move multiple inactive employees.
Regards to All,