Perpetual amounts will be displayed unless you click on an amount field. This makes more sense when viewing all other views, Custom, multiple period, or budget.
Change the tag from financial to budget to view budget amounts.
Other than doing a Print Screen and pasting to a program that will print, the total explorer cannot be printed at this moment.
Use the Budget view or the Custom analysis to view a Budget-Actual report.
Do not use the Define Column to setup the Multiple Period Analysis. Here is cut and paste from our manual.
Customizing the Analysis Window for a Report
To customize the Analysis window:
Activate the report for which the analysis is to be customized.
If the Analysis window is not displayed (the title bar should read /REPORT/(report name) – Multiple Period Analysis), use the window select button at the left of the title bar to choose the Analysis window.
Issue the command View>Analysis>Column Setup>Edit Settings and fill in the column setup table as described above.
If you want to change the order of the columns for the analysis, issue the command View>Analysis>Column Setup>Display Forward or View>Analysis>Column Setup>Display Backward.
To specify the resolution (number of columns) for the analysis, issue the command View>Analysis>Resolution and choose None, Year, Month, Three Month, Four Week, Two Week, One Week, or Day.
To specify the representation of the amounts/quantities for the analysis, issue the command View>Analysis>Representation and choose perpetual, Perpetual From Range Begin or periodic.