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  • #11388

    Is there a method of automatically accuring Holiday and Sick days in nv2?

    In nv1 we created employee accts for both and did a monthly journal entry. Worked but would prefer it be build into the payroll setup.


    In NV2 payroll you can create your own accounts and define how the account calculates the amount accrue and withhold. Also create an account to use as a paid account.

    Under Payroll > Canada Payroll (or USA Payroll) Employees > Account Setup click the window pull down button and choose Paycode. Enter your definition in the Percentage Base field and enter a rate. The Paid accounts should use a Time/Quantity of Input with a rate of 1. When paying the paid accounts, enter your amounts to pay in the pay list for the individual in the particular payrun in the time/quantity field.



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