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  • #11443

    How do you process one employee paycheque and not process Salary employees in the same department?

    Why does it show the rest of the employees with zero calculations?

    Would you have to open up a new Payrun every time for single cheques or can you add employees to Payruns?


    Add a PAYRUN row by pressing the insert key in your PAYRUNS table, click the window select button below the PAYRUN window and select Pay List. Delete the employees from the Pay List that you do not wish to process and then process the Payrun.

    The Payrun preview shows all the active employees you have chosen to process from your Pay List.

    Yes, you would have to add another Payrun for the same pay period if you wish to process other employees not on your original Pay List (ones you have removed) above.




    Ok, that works, but doesn’t it seem ass backwards? The normal process in NV is to Block the one you want,and process the cheque.

    Instead I have to block all the rest and delete them.

    The process would actually be:

    Block Start the 1st employee, Block End the one just above the one I plan to process. Then delete the block.

    Block Start the employee below the one I want. Block End to the last employee and delete.

    Then I can continue with the one I want to pay.

    Again extremely Time Consuming and Complicated for new users!!!!!

    What happen to: “You will be able do everyting in NV2 that you did in NV1, but easier”



    Is there a way to change a salary employee so it will default to 1 hr? Where I have Salary employees imported from nv1, I can’t enter a zero hour or a 1 in the Reg Qty, I get an error that the QtrHrs cant be edited for this account.


    Click on the employees table and window select Account Setup below the employees table and window select Pay Codes below the Account Setup window. Change the Time/Quantity to Input (or i and press enter). Insert another Payrun in the Payruns window or click process to see the changes that you had made above for this employee.



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