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  • #12003

    I am having a problem printing statements to a file if the account has more then one page of items.

    Printing to an excel or pdf file does not matter. Printing to display or actual printer works fine.

    Systems using Win 7 or XP, excel 2007 or excel 2010, nv2270 or nv2271, pdf creator 1.7.2 have been tested.

    It will create the file for the multi page account OK but will not continue.
    The following error occurs.

    .text {0x800a03ec {Unable to set the RowHeight property of the Range class}}

    This is with using the supplied template “laser_statement.xls”.

    If I remove items from the account or select a prior date so there are only enough items for 1 page everything works OK.

    Also the same client has a problem printing statements with graphic.

    If “center page horizontally” is selected the graphic will not print.
    He is using win XP , excel 2007 and NV2271.

    I do not have the problem on my system using excel 2010, but our other computer with excel 2007 does show the problem.

    As soon as I take off “center page Horizontally” graphic print ok.

    We have the same graphic on the invoice template and it does not have the problem.

    I have tested the graphics on one of the supplied statement template and the same problem occurs.



    Hello Thomas,

    I have tried to reproduce your two problems using Print Statements and am not able to reproduce it here.

    I suggest that you select Database Utilities > All Checks to see if there are errors.

    If this behavior continues, you may to upload a copy of the application database for further testing.

    Regards to All,


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