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  • #11870

    We are having an ongoing problem with the screen not showing accounts when you open the database.

    For example we are positioned on /newviews/accounts in the tree and all accounts are shown in the right panel.

    The books are closed and then re-opened , the tree is still in the same position but no accounts are shown on the right panel.

    If we select something else in the tree such as sales journal and then select accounts again all accounts show up ok.

    It has also happened on other screens such as /newviews/accounts/accounts payables
    or /newviews/accounts/accounts receivables.

    This seems to happen more often when the user has restricted access.

    This happens with all 2.16 versions , different books , computers and workstation database.

    I think it was also happening with 2.15.

    If you need images of screens I have captured some and could email them to you.



    Hello Thomas,

    Email the screen captures to Include which version of NV2 you are running and what the access rights of the user are (screen display of System > User > The User > Access To’s).

    Regards to All,


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