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  • #22000

    How would you show both the Accrued and Paid Amounts on each pay cheque? Currently have it set up that the Accrued amount is showing, which has carried over from 2017 (and that’s okay), but the Paid Amounts only show on the pay slip when vacation pay is actually paid on any given pay period and then it does show the YTD (all amounts paid), giving a balance of what’s remaining in their vacation account.

    Without having the accumulated vacation pay paid showing each pay period, it may be misleading to employees thinking that they have much more left in their vacation accrual than they really do.

    Current cheque description is Vacation Paid YTD = @Y
    Again, this only shows on the printed payslip when an amount is paid, and would like to have the accumulated amount paid show each pay period, whether or not any amounts were paid out.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by WMcQueen.

    To display the correct amount of vacation pay owing at the time of the paycheck, menu select Print > Paychecks. This item will allow you to display the perpetual amounts in selected cells from which you can have the Excel template perform the calculation you need to display. Examples templates are located in print_templates/payroll_ca/payroll_reports within your NewViews program folder.

    Payroll_ca_paycheck_ytd_vacation.xls is one template you can review. The Vac Owed row will be of interest to you. Print > Paychecks uses the defined mapped table you set under Advanced > Payroll Report Codes.

    The above is for Canadian users. USA Payroll users can find the Payroll Report templates under print_templates/payroll_us within your NewViews program folder.

    Regards to All,


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