Forum Replies Created
ModeratorYes. Install NV2 on the new machine and quote the NewViews Serial number under Help > About and send and email to with the Subkject NV2 license transfer.
Include this text and the text your text above with the email.
Sorry no.
Click on the transactions button and select Paychecks. From this table, right mouse click View > Sorted By > Select Index. Perhaps, you have something entered in this view for this user.
Perhaps try Window Default setup on the – Paychecks title bar (right mouse click).
ModeratorRight mouse click on the window title bar (for example /ACCOUNT/AP – Single Period Report) and select Window > Default Setup and click setup to restore the window layouts. This will restore the factory defaults.
Select the Single Period Report and then press F11 (or window > Define Columns) and click the new button. A copy of SIngle Period Report will appear in the Current Settings field. Remove the Copy of Single Report and change it to a unique name and press enter. This new name will appear in the window title bar.
Click the report table and alter it and when finished press F11 again and click after the current settings description and press enter to save.
In NV2 click on the report you wish to print before making any changes and press F11 (or right mouse click Window > Define Columns) and click the new button. Click Yes and then remove the copy of description next to Current Settings and enter a unique description (Excel Report perhaps) and press enter. The name you had entered will appear in the report Title Bar. Click on the Report table and remove the unwanted columns and when done press F11 again.
Click after the last character in your description above and press enter. This will save the change.
Once done, you can use this Window layout to print to Excel. Click the Accounts button to see all of your saved window layouts.
ModeratorCheck the Normal Representation of the account(s) by clicking on the accounts button > Setup. I suuspect the Normal Rep is set to Periodic. Change it to Perpetuaal (F3 to pick). Block the account and then Print > Account Ledgers with the Opening Balance Date with the Begin and End Dates you have chosen.
To avoid changing the Normal Rep on the account, select an opening balance date prior to the opening entries in your application database (Jan 1, 1980 for example).
This method is the opposite to the way NV1 performed PRTACCTS.
Regards to All,
ModeratorPrinting Journals is still being developed.
Regards to All,
At the moment there is Print > All which prints all of the postings in the window but is not accompanied by the posting details. This feature will be added to NV2 soon.
ModeratorIssue /Go runProc (/GR) GETLIB and press enter. Enter the following and press enter or F5 to continue:
You can now print cheques again.
If you receive an error message in regards to cannot open library file, find your productivity disk number seven disk and install it or find where the nv1pd7.npl exists on your system and copy that file along with nv1pd7.prc and nv1pd7.msg to your NewViews program directory and GETLIB again.
Press F9 on the posting account will take your users to the cross account. If they press F9 on the Journal (PI for example) then click the double squared button below Notes (this changes the button image to a full square) they will see the cross account details with the focus on that particular transaction.
ModeratorClick the Accounts button in your Income Statement and select Multiple Period Analysis – Periodic. If the data range is incorrect then right mouse click View > Analysis > Multiple Column Setup (ALT+VAS) and set your values.
Once set, press F11 or right mouse click Window > Define Columns (ALT+WD) and click the save button and click OK and save your new settings under Current Settings as a Unique Name. Once entered, press the enter key to save.
Click the Accouts button again and you will see your Unique Name as a selection option under the Accounts button. Repeat this for your Balance Sheet.
Use the Accounts button to shift between your different reports or F11 and select (ALT+WD).
ModeratorIt sounds like the File > Page Setup > Page > Paper Size selection has not been set correctly when you had created the Form Name in Printers and Faxes > File > Server Properties.
Look at the form name you had created and review the Form Measurements with a ruler to your checks.
Once the Paper Size has been selected in the template and the template is saved, the Form Measurements are used by Excel to print.
You did create the form name on machine where the printer is attached to and can select the form name from File > Page Setup > Page?
ModeratorAdjust the paper size of the template in Excel. Open the template nebs_check_9005_cpa.xls and click File > Page Setup. From this Page Setup Window select an appropriate paper size. Once selected, click File > Save or Save As and use this template when printing checks.
If the appropriate paper size does not exist, create one by clicking the windows start button > Settings > Printers and Faxes (also can be found in the Control Panel) and when the Printers and Faxes window appears click File > Server Properties. From the Forms tab, define your paper size. Use the name you have created in the Page Setup of the template above.
If the printer you are printing to is on a network, go to that machine and create the above Form. You need Administrator access if you are creating the Form via network machine.
THe template is for Payroll and Bank Check printing. For Accounts Payable/Vendors use nebs_check_ap_9005_cpa.xls.
ModeratorUse the Administrator username to handle these types of transactions. The Administratator (or create a user name for this purpose) should have accesss to the complete application database. This would allow the other users to continue as usual with their restricted date ranges.
ModeratorRename the workstation.nv2 file in c:/nv2/ to workstation.old and then run the workstation again and insert your table rows in the is newly created workstation and open the application database. Click setup to perform the Default Window setup when prompted.
Please email all bug errors to
Regards to All,