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  • in reply to: Check Templates #20724

    I suspect that you have name values overlapping each other. The Name Payee_1 does print the Vendors name but the address. The Named Range Address displays the address only. In the original template, key press CTRL F3 to review the Named Ranges and compare with the named ranges in your modified template.

    Changing the date format in excel can be accomplished by right mouse clicking on the cell and selecting Format Cells (key press CTRL 1) and then select Date and choose your desired date format.

    To make text invisible for printing requires that the cells be formatted with white text using Format Cells > Font > Color and selecting white.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Accounts Payable Invoices #20702

    The last line of the open charges should show you the check amount which will Print/Display when you click the Post & Print Check button.

    Pay account will display all open (unreconciled items) up to the check date. Is Pay Account performing the posting of the check and reconciling the invoices?

    Let me know.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Accounts Payable Invoices #20700

    By default, Accounts Payable invoices belong to the Purchase Invoice journal (PI) which requires requires a detailed items (distribution) to be entered. This is due to Inventory costing and taxes. If you wish to enter purchase invoices that are simple transactions you will need to pres F3 under the journal column and select a journal of type General which will allow for simple transactions.

    In regards to recording vendor checks, you can block the vendor accounts from the list of Vendors under NewViews > Account > Accounts Payable and menu select Tools > Pay Account which will allow you to print one check per vendor with multiple open invoices. I suggest that you set the Confirm/edit prompt to Yes. This will allow you choose which invoice you wish to pay from a displayed table. Change the pay amount to zero if you do not wish to pay the invoice.

    I hope this helps.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: NT File Flush Error #20383

    The Flush error is indicating that the file cannot be read or written to.

    If this message persists on your system, I would perform a diagnostic on the Hard disk K. A Defrag of the K drive will lead you to hard disk errors if they exist.

    Regards to All,



    I suspect that the Pay Period for the Payrun your trying to process is before 2013. Insert a new Payrun row and make sure the Pay Year is 2017. Enter 5 for the Pay Period number for the dates you have specified.

    I hope this helps.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: ROE #20266

    You can issue the ROE normally by selecting destination to display and then within the displayed ROE, enter the value to be paid in box 17A. The printout would be correct and you can use it to file online.

    Vacation pay owed would appear on the ROE if there was a separate vacation pay owed account on the employees payroll record but since you are paying with regular pay you’ll have to do the above or wait til May 31 which will include the vacation pay which will be on the ROE as normal earnings.

    Regards to All,



    Sorry for the delay.

    The easiest method of data entry regarding a unique partition tag is to leave your Accounts Payable screen as it is showing the Separate columns for Financial and Job Cost (JC) and enter the Job Costing entries through the Job Costing Journal. We had created a Bookmark for this.

    It is possible to enter both through the same AP ledger but you will need to select View > Sorted By > Select Index and blank the Begin Tag and End Tag fields and get used to viewing Accounts Payable ledgers showing all tags (Financial, JC, Order, Budget, etc) which could become confusing. You can then always change the select Index back to Financial to suit your needs.

    I would stick with entering the Job Costing entries within he Job Costing journal as it is easier.

    I hope this helps.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Can't run reorg, error not enough disk space, #20174

    I suspect that you are executing the nvreorg command from the DOS Command menu choice in the NewViews Shell.

    You need to close Newviews and open a command prompt and navigate to the NewViews program directory to execute the nvreorg command. For example, C:\NV>

    The nvreorg command checks to see if there is enough disk space on the drive which is one third of the datad.nv file you are attempting to reorganize.

    Back in the 1980’s and 1990’s when hard drives where measured in megabytes, this problem was a non issue. As hard drive space increased, the DOS command prompt from the NewViews shell misinterpreted bytes free on the physical disk.

    I hope this helps.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Vacation Accrual Total To's #20093

    The Debit vacation expense should be totaling to the Gross earnings and a expense account which I believe was the same account you were totaling the other earnings. The vacation expense is calculating deductions and is reporting it’s amount in Box 14 whereas the Vacation Pay Paid is not reporting on Box 14.

    If you have any further questions, you can email me a screen display of the employee setup to

    Regards to all,



    The posting to the bank account is set from the Payruns window tab > Settings. You could process all employees under one bank account and then under the Pay Checks windows tab redirect the appropriate checks to the correct bank account.

    If you will be using NV2 to upload EFT Deposits to the bank, you will need to setup a separate bank account for EFT Information including the EFT Information for the employees. A separate EFT Payments journal should be used as well.

    Regards to All,



    Change the Journal under the Journal column from PI to Default. Manually type Default or press F3 to select.

    Once selected, pres the F12 key or menu select Edit > Default Value > Set. This will force default as the Journal selection when entering new AP items.

    The default journal does not require a detail item whereas PI (Purchase Invoice) does.

    I hope helps.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Export/Display to Excel 2013 Slow #19980

    Add the following command line argument to your Workstation Icon properties to increase Excel’s response time to display/print documents from NV2:


    Right mouse click on the NewViews workstation icon and select Properties. Add the above line to the displayed Target under the Shortcut tab. The default target is as follows:

    C:\NV2\nv2.exe -nv2

    Change it to:

    C:\NV2\nv2.exe -nv2 -template_print_speedup

    Click the OK button.

    This will increase Excel Display/Print speeds in Office 2007 and above.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Copy-paste from Excel cell to Comment box in NewViews #19462

    The error message Missing ” appears on in Journals (Pink screens) and account ledgers (Green screen) but not on Reports (Blue screens).

    The work around for now to is to copy the cell from the formula bar and then paste into NV2.

    I will try to have this problem updated in the next NV2 update.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Printing and Excel 2016 #19418

    Type does not Match.

    Close NV2 down.

    Verify that that default printer is set on your system by reviewing Devices and Printers and ensure that the printer icon displays a check mark.

    Review the Excel Options and ensure that the Font Display is set to a common font display (Arial, Courier).

    Add English (United States) as an additional language setting in the option for Excel.

    Go back into NV2 and try to print/display again.

    If the three suggestions above do not help, you will have to call in to our support department (905-946-9460) for further review.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Printing and Excel 2016 #19416

    You should state the error message that you are receiving when you try to print when posting to this forum.

    There was a Windows 10 update last week which disabled the default printer on all Windows 10 systems. To solve this issue, navigate to Devices and Printers and select the printer icon as the default printer and NV2 will print/output to excel without an error.

    I hope this helps you and everyone else who is experiencing problems after the Windows 10 update.

    Regards to All,


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