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  • in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14098

    An Update.

    The application database will now convert to 2.15.0 without a problem but the original workstation (with instance explorers) will require a new database explorer.

    If you have changed the database ID of the application database above, you will not be effected.

    Once the application database is converted the VIREMENTS journal will still be part of the root Bank Journal which will allow you to continue working. You can upload the application database again and we will move the VIREMENTS journal to NewViews > Journal > General for you without charge.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14097

    OK. I’ll make sure the conversion to 2.15.0 sets the VIREMENTS journal to be of type JOURNAL/GENERAL.

    Are you OK with the new database explorer after the script above? You can set unique desktops with the Tools > Script Evaluate:

    nv2.exe > object > System > gui > desktop_create.qw_script

    Perform this from the dark blue title bar of the Report Desktop. It works on Accounts, Journals, Payroll, and Reports. This script was introduced in version 2.09 to perserve the uniqueness of desktops in Reports.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14094

    The above script reset the windowing structure of the application database. Your other application databases are not affected.

    You can restore the workstation prior to doing the database_id_set.qw_script and continue. The problem with the workstation you had uploaded had each account and report set as a separate instance explorer (independant of each other). Did you set this up on your own?

    In converting your application database to 2.15.0, we’ve noticed that you have a bank journal setup under NewViews > Journal > Bank that is not a Deposit or a Payment journal. What type of journal is this? Should it be a Bank Deposit or Bank Payment journal or a General Journal? The 2.15.0 version will be disallowing journals that do not fit in Bank > Deposit or Bank > Payment. Could this journal be moved to NewViews > Journal > General?

    If the journal is moved to Newviews > Journal > General, there may be a way of saving your original workstation from not disappearing when perform File > Exit NewViews.

    Let me know.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Vendor Account Number #14091

    Create branch accounts in NewViews > Account > Accounts Payable by clicking on the Accounts button and select Folder Management. From the blue table, right mouse click View > Sorted By > Select Index and choose /description > /interactive. This will sort the Accounts Payable by folders.

    Insert new rows by pressing the insert key. Under Type press F3 to select Folder.

    If the Vendor is United Parcel Service and you have an account by State, you can create the following under Folder Management:

    Line Folder Name Description

    1 FOLDER UPS United Parcel Service

    add other Vendors here.

    Once entered, cursor off the row entered and you will see Unit Parcel Service appear below Accounts Payable as page (as opposed to a folder). Click on the page which will show you a blank blue table. From this table, insert new rows for each state as follows:

    Line Folder Name Description

    1 FILE ALABAMA UPS Alabama
    2 FILE ALASKA UPS Alaska
    3 FILE ARKANSAS UPS Arkansas
    4 FILE ARIZONA UPS Arizona

    etc .. for each state.

    Enter all invoices for UPS in state account.

    Enter the address details in each account numbers Address Field (or select Accounts > Address under Folder Management). I suggest that for now, that you enter the account number under Salutation in the accounts Address table.

    To print the AP checks for the Vendor UPS, use Tools > Pay Account. You will need to modify a check_AP template under c:nv2NV2.Datobjectnewviews and add the following defined name to where you wish to print the account name:


    Save the template under a new name after making your changes.

    Substitute the states above with your actual account numbers for each vendor.

    For more information, see the following from the NewViews 2.14 Manual (Hel > Manual):

    Printing > Document Tables > Naming Cell in Excel
    Setting Up the Books > Adding Sub-Accounts
    Setting Up the Books > Adding Accounts

    Regardst to All,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14090

    Yes. I have the file and it is usable.

    I can duplicate your problem. It appears you have set your explorer to display shallow instances. This method was discontinued in early 2006. I am currently testing to see if the workstation and application databases will convert to 2.15.0.

    To remove the problem of the explorer tree from disappearing, you can run the following script from the workstation table by selecting Tools > Script Evaluate:

    nv2.exe > system > database_id_set.qw_script

    The above script will change the database ID of the application database and allow for default setup of a new window explorer to take place.

    I’ll know more about the conversion of both databases by Monday.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14088

    Can you upload a copy of the workstation before the explorer disappeared?

    Upload it to the above and call the workstation DJOBINW.ZIP

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14084

    When you say you have lost the explorer I’m assuming upon entering the application database you are faced with a pink desktop screen with no possiblity to navigate within the application database (the books).

    If this is the case then zip up the workstation.nv2 and the database.nv2 files to a file called DJOBIN.ZIP and upload it to the following URL address for review:

    Copy the zip file through windows explorer and then open the above URL in the explorer window and then right mouse click Paste to begin the upload.

    I’ll review it and prevent it from occurring in 2.15.0.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14082

    What version of NV2 are you running? Click Help > About to confirm the NewViews version and service pack under NewViews Program.

    I have attempted to duplicate your problem and have noticed a problem thus:

    If I enter notes in any notes view and click the X button on the Workstation window the notes entered appear on return into the application database but then disappear after the loading application data message disappears.

    If I enter notes in any notes view and perform one of the following and exit from the workstations close button

    File > Save
    ALT X
    Close the application database by clicking on the X button of the books window

    The notes entered remain upon entering the application database (books).

    I cannot however make the database explorer disappear. Just the notes entered. I have traced this problem back to 2.08.18. How many database explorers do you have open in your application database and how different application databases to you have open from your workstation. Are you running in multiuser?

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Closing of nominal accounts #14080

    If you are not posting to these accounts you can set Print Zero Balance Accounts to No (Print > All and Print > Block ) and Include Empty Accounts No (Print > Account Ledgers).

    Make sure the Normal Rep of the accounts (nominal) are set to Periodic along with the other accounts on the P&L Statement. When selecting a date range with F11 (Window > Define Columns) set your Begin date and End Date and Respect Normal Rep set this to Yes. This will show balances for the accounts with transaction within the specified date range.

    You do not need to add closing entries to your NV2 application databases.

    Regards to All,


    in reply to: Database Explorer disappearance #14079

    Restore the workstation.nv2 backup. All of your workstation settings will be restored from the backup. The application database is intact.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Updates #14078


    Yes. The Payroll Update was released late June 30, 2009 – NV2 2.14.5.

    It includes the following:


    New Brunswick Provincial tax changes:
    Saskatchewan Labour Sponsored Funds (LSF) Update
    Newfoundland and Labrador LSF Update


    Louisiana State Income changes
    North Dakota State Update
    Colorado State Update
    Hawaii State Update

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: Trial Balance #14073

    A good place to start is to review the Demobooks from the NewViews 2.0 menu under Windows Start > All Programs or Programs > NewViews 2.0 > Demobooks. Select either demo_usa.nv2 or demo_canada.nv2 and F3 on State to open the application database.

    Navigate to NewViews > Report > Trial Balance and then click on the Accounts button and select Setup. Note the Totalto1 Name column in regards to how it totals to the TB-PROOF account at the buttom of the Trial Balance report.

    You will also notice that the demobooks has a Trial Balance button. Select it and review the Trial Balance table and select F11 on an the first amount column to review how the column is defined.

    The answer to your question above can be found in the NewViews 2.0 Manual under Accounting > The Trial Balance.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: 2 questions #14072

    Yes, turning off the system restore does help the speed of accessing files. Because the application database files are large and can’t fit into memory, the files are accessed via random access.

    For the server:

    Have 4 Gigabytes of RAM preferably on machine dedicated to NV2. Set the option on the server desktop to service applications. Defragment the C drive of the server where the application databases exist.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: 2 questions #14069

    Hello Everyone,

    I can produce the problem in #1 above and it is a problem in 2.14.4 as well. The solution Kristie has suggested is a correct one for now. I’ll put this problem on the programmers desks to solve for the next update to NV2.

    Some suggestions I have for the swap issue in #2 are to open the System Properties (right mouse click My Computer > Properties or Control Panel and double click on System) and select System Restore. If checked, uncheck it. Every one should be backing up their important programs and files to more than one trusted media source. Click on the Remote tab and uncheck Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance. Click the Advanced tab and select Performance > Settings. Under Visual Performance select Adjust for Best Performance and on the window below check the last two options

    Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop
    Use Visual styles on windows and buttons

    Lastly, click the Advanced tab and select Virtual Memory > Change. Click Custom and enter the recommended under Total paging file size for all drives in the Initial Size and Maximum size.

    Regards to all,


    in reply to: VPN connection #14067

    NV2 uses TCP/IP to connect workstations and servers together. If you can reach the server’s IP address from your machine and the NV2 server is running on that IP address and both machines do not have port 7890 blocked for communication then you can connect.

    See the NewViews 2.0 Manual > The server > Remote Access for more information.

    Regards to All,


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