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There maybe another service pack update. Every service pack update delays the release of 2.09 which maybe released by the end of this month.
I’ll forward your request and see if it can be included in 2.09.
MSchapplerModeratorI can reproduce your problem and will explained it to the programmers. The vendor account pick root (F11 on the vendor ledger details ) should be respected if you post to the vendor account everywhere in NV2.
To change the pick root for the vendor, press F11 in the item field > F3 on Pick Root and select a different expense account. Note, I did try this and received a simular bug error.
I’ll let you know when this is fixed.
MSchapplerModeratorThis could be added for the Purchase Journal as well.
MSchapplerModeratorDavid and I went in as the administrator and we able to change the pick root.
I’ll look into this error message for users of limited access.
Regards to All,
MSchapplerModeratorCurrently available in NV2 to prevent duplicates is the F3 key on the Reference field to allow you to take the Next Reference Number based on the journals next reference.
To review if duplicates reference numbers exist, click on the reference title which will sort the posting/transaction explorer by reference (note the cevron (v)) number order.
What if in the journal a journal option was added (under Sub Journals) whereby you could specify to Disallow Duplicates as a Yes or No?
MSchapplerModeratorWe’ll be looking into this for January 2007.
MSchapplerModeratorYou will be able to the reference number from the root journal which will set the same number for the sub journals. You can then remove the reference numbers for the sub journals which will respect the root journal. This way you can have both (root journal or sub journal reference numbers).
Sorry for the delay in releasing 2.09.
MSchapplerModeratorCreate the Invoice in your Vendor Account and add an item to the details. Click on Item and press F11 which will display a Setup Columns table.
Click on the value next to Pick Root and press F3 which will display a Select Pick Root window. Right mouse click on the white background of this Select Pick Root window and click File > Sort. Choose Interactive. You will notice that the select pick root window display changes. Plus on NewViews > Account > Expense and click on 7110. This will place this in the Pick Root Path.
Click back on the Setup Columns window and then the details window. Press F5 to commit the change you have made.
Now, if you press F3 under Item, the account 7110 will appear in the Select Charge Account.
MSchapplerModeratorThe template deluxe_invoice_1_080625.xls prints the following items in the body of invoice:
Item Quantity
Item Description
Unit Price
Running BalanceIf you wish to add the:
Item Name
CommentsOpen the deluxe_invoice_1_080625.xls template in Excel and add the following slot names in separate columns:
Item_AccountDescriptionSave the template by clicking File > Save As > Name your Template and when issuing Print > Invoices in NV2 change the template name by pressing F3 to pick.
See the NewViews 2.08 Manual under Printing > Printing Documents > Document Templates > Names By Document Type > Invoice Template Cell Names.
Also see Printing > Printing Documents > Document Templates > Naming Cell in Excel for information on adding additional slot names to your template.
MSchapplerModeratorRun the script setup_trial_balance_create.qw_script from the blue title bar of the report /REPORT/TB (right mouse click > Tools > Script Evaluate).
Once the script is complete a new window select option will be created called Trail Balance.
The Trial Balance Art wants is the equivalent of the TRBAL procedure in NV1 which printed a trail balance for users did not have a General Ledger/Trial Balance Report in their books.
Click on Help > Manual from the NV2 books or the workstation table and click on the link How to Make NewViews run faster for more information.
The next version of NV2 (2.09) I’m told will have a backup menu choice from the NewViews 2.0 windows menu.
There is a possibility. End tasking NV2 leaves a files called database.recovery.hdr and database.recovery.0 which are used for recovering the databases. If these files are erased or not written to the disk then recovering the application database can be very difficult if sent to us for review.
Always exit NV2 properly either by using File > Exit NewViews or ALT + X.
Click on Help > Manual and review the section on How to make NewViews run faster. The link appears on the left pane.
MSchapplerModeratorI wonder if the reason the pick list appears slow is that access to the hard disk (or through the NV2 server is slow). See the NV2 2.08 Manual on How to Make NewViews run faster.
Here in single/multi-user the pick list appears and disappears quickly.